tattoo designs for girls lower stomach image
I want to get "love is my religion". Or should i get just a heart ,then it says is my religion. Where should i get it tattooed on my body? Im a nineteen year old girl, I dont like lower back tattoo's and please no preaching about the bible saying you shouldnt mark your body. Im going to get a tattoo, so please just let me know your thoughts on the tattoo and where i should get it. thankyou!
Which design idea seems to make your heart beat just a little faster? Go with your instinct! Also, if you wanna give it a "test drive," get a henna tattoo of your design, and try different places. That way you can see where you'll want your design, and which design you'd like! I would say "Love is my religion" but that's just my preference. Ignore anyone preaching about that bible stuff, it also states not to wear clothing of mixed material, and to not cut your hair, which I'm sure the people behind those computers have done so. On the back of your shoulder is a good place, not very painful. The back of your neck, the upper inner part of your arm, your wrist, your ribs (ouch), your ankle, across the upper part of your back (if you get the full phrase), on your upper thigh (if the heart), on your hip, on your stomach above your jean line (if you get the full phrase. But again, OUCH) or you could get the phrase running along the outer side of your arm, wrist to elbow. Hope some of these ideas might have helped!
What did you write in your MySpace about me?
Lauren Emi
I'm looking for a format so I could change it up to be for me. For some reason I like really riculously long ones so if you have any examples that would be great!
Thanks ")
Answer my friend likes long ones to, her myspace about me is..
Hello, before I start writing, I'm guessing that 1 out of every 5 people that visit my Myspace will read this; so thank you for reading.
My birth name is Cerise, pronounced sir-reece, but I'm more well known as Reece. Most people have a difficulty saying my name, but I find it quite amusing. I'm fifteen and nine months, in March on the twenty-seventh, I will be sixteen. I sometimes act a lot younger than what I actually am, but at other times, I can be quite logical. I live in Perth Western Australia, it's a pretty good place to be honest.
I am not a big fan of eating meat, when I eat it, it causes pains in my stomach, so I choose to avoid it. Another thing I try to avoid is drugs, I don't drink, smoke or take drugs. I find it pointless and a waste of time. People can do it all they want, but it's not for me. I am currently employed at McDonalds in Maddington. I have been working there for over 2 months, and I am not yet bored of it. My status is single, I like someone and they like me. That's all that matters. Please don't try and flirt with me, I'm most probably not interested. It doesn't matter what anyone's said except for me, I'm not a slut, I never have been and never will be.
I adore piercings and tattoos, I took one of my snakebites out because it didn't heal properly. I am going to get it re-done in the near future. This year I am attending a new school, Sevenoaks, which is in Cannington. This one will be better and nicer then the last high school I went to. I am going to stay here until the end of year 12. I will have a lot of memories at Gosnells SHS, but it's time to move on. I have had quite a lot of career dreams, but now I have made a decision, I want to be an interior designer.
I have an extremely low self esteem, and I know I'm not perfect I learnt that a long time ago, and please don't tell me otherwise. I don't think that I am attractive and I don't like people asking why I wear so much makeup. I might have used excuses like 'it has high coverage' or something like that, but that doesn't matter. If you dislike the amount I wear, then please don't talk to me or ignore it. You're not the one who has to pay for it or wear it. I also think I look better on Myspace, but most people disagree.
I enjoy watching the news and reading the newspaper. I love learning and I want to gain a new piece of knowledge every day, I don't care what you say or call me. I enjoy reading books, but my weakness is crime and murders. I am currently learning Japanese, I am self teaching myself it from the Internet. I spend most of my days playing the Sims 2, designing new houses, or on msn while drinking tea. I lead a pretty boring life to everyone else, but to me, it's fine. Conflict does irritate me, unless I have caused it, and it's entertaining.
I have some odd manors, some of which I can't help, but people think are cute. I sit awkwardly in chairs, please ignore the fact that it might look painful. Making faces while I talk is another thing I can't help, people like the faces I pull and when they note them out, I giggle and I cover my mouth. I'm not one of those girls who do it too look cute, I do it because I don't like my smile or my teeth, so I cover them up. I complain about my hair or how I look constantly, and I'm always looking in shop reflections or in my tiny mirror to see if I look okay. Quite a conflicting thing hey? If you haven't noticed, I have quite an obsession with cats, they aren't my favourite animal though, giraffes are. I enjoy Asian things, and clothing from the 50's. One day I'd like to travel to Tokyo Japan.
Please don't give me shit about the
music I listen to. Nine times out of ten, it's a lot better then the stuff you listen too.
This just about wraps up my "About Me". Even though it is a really long one, it doesn't mean you know everything about me. If you're not put off by stuff I have written in here, then feel free to comment me or message me. Or even add me as a friend. I accept everyone.
Thank You for reading this.
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