Q. What are they and is there a story behind it?
Tattoos, and yes I have several of them.
My artist is Tim Maccowan of Aardvark Tattoos & Body Piercing in Saint Johns, MI. http://www.aardvarktattoos.com
At age 16 I used a needle and some India ink to put:
I (heart) Pat! on my left upper thigh/hip area. He was my boyfriend at the time. Except the tail of the 'a' later faded so now it looks like ' I (heart) Pot!' LoL Which I don't, but that just had to be the spot that faded. (I'm 32 now and still happily married to the same 'Pat' I was dating at 16).
At age 18 I did the cliche Unicorn Head on my Right hip, it still looks pretty but I've learned by now that I want original tattoos, not the flash art or cliche things like a rose, butterfly, or unicorn.
That tattoo was my first 'real' one did by an artist, and it was done in celebration of my marriage, moving away from home, and being 'grown up' now. (I was still a kid though as only age teaches you).
At age 20 something (I truly forgot the period when this one was done) I had Reverend Dark (a well known artist) do my intials on my upper Left breast. I loop my three intials together in a certain way - he traced my original signature and inked it onto my skin. He had fangs, long black hair, and spider webs inked at the corner of his eyes. I was terrified of him, yet he was the sweetest man once I got to know him. That tattoo was probably just a desire or whim of the moment inking. I know I had seen Mexican gang girls with names on their breasts and I thought it looked sexy. (I grew up in a small all white german Catholic town).
At age 32 I discovered Tim of Aardvarks Tattoos. He inked a celtic stone cross (large one!) onto the back of my neck this late May. It was for my grandmother who had just gotten seriously hurt, plus other family members. My children, husband, mother, and grandma. Plus an uncle who has a terminal disease. The cross has 4 gemstones, one at each point. Each gemstone is colored in the birthstone hue for my children, grandma, and husband. Then a yellow rose wraps up around the cross for my mom. Yellow roses are her favorite flower. The cross is for my uncle and everyone.
Then not even a month or so later (in June) I had Tim tattoo a beautiful hummingbird, purple flowers, and tribal like vine on my outter Right calf. It goes from almost my knee area to my ankle. My mother loves hummingbirds, and I figured better that then a skeleton ripping out of my skin. Might freak mom and my kids. *winks*
Annnnnnnnnd tonight, I razored a small star onto my left hand right between my pointer finger and thumb area. I then rubbed India ink into the cuts and presto, a beautiful perfect little star. This reminds me to follow my own path in life, to be true to myself and my family, and to never give up on my dreams or the future. It also reminds me how far I have come, and everything I have survived. It's one reason I did it myself.
I probably have another one that I've forgot about in my old age.
I'm going to get more of course, I'm a horrible whimp with the needles but I love the artwork once it's all said and done. I've learned that those who hate tattoos will tell you why they hate them.. what they think of tattoos on women, etc etc.. BUT I learned to ignore the negative people and just take pleasure in the many compliments and conversations strangers start up with me BECAUSE of my tattoos. *proud smile*
And for those who say 'it will look horrible when you're 80', I reply with 'so will the rest of me so who cares!' lol For those who say tattoos are somehow evil.. well, just ignore them because they have some serious mental issues and it's useless trying to convince them Satan didn't hold you down and ink your butt. hehee (No, I am not satanic.) For those who say ink is ugly on women, well those are usually the types who want a Barbie Doll perfect girlfriend so they wouldn't have liked somethign else on me or about me anyway (with or without the tattoos).
Piercings? I only my ears pierced with a 14g CBR and yes I screamed when Tim pierced them. It hurt! lol
Inside of Wrist Tattoo, pain, cost, and smudging?
I'm going to get a tattoo on the inside of my wrist (I think, unless I find a better spot) because I don't want it on my back, because I'm in theatre, and I need to be able to cover it easily, but I'm a little concerned about some things:
1) I'm okay with most painful things, but how much will this hurt? I've heard that if you take a rubberband and snap it on your wrist, or stick your fingernail in your skin until it hurts and both are a kinda equivalent to what it feels like.
2) Cost? Anyone? :)
3) And I'm a little conserned about smuding after time. I mean, I don't want to get it now (I'm about to turn 19) and then in like two years have it be smudged and unable to see what it is clearly.
I designed this myself, (I do it for an extra income now actually) and I want it to remain as special to me in twenty years as it was the day that I got it.
Thank so much guys!
Here's a picture of it!
That actually a really cool design I love that super awesome work!
I want my childrens names on my wrists too. I have a tattoo on my foot (hawaiian flowers and vines) that covers the ENTIRE foot! I was talking to the girl who did it for me while she was doing it and I asked about the wrist because she had one on the foot and the wrist as well as many other places I liked. She said that pain wise a lot of people consider the foot to be way more painful than the wrist and that wasn't too bad. Ask around and find a great tattoo artist that uses lanicane(sp?) it numbs the area completely. It's a miracle worker. The only problem with that is that it cant work until the skin is open so it will hurt for a little bit still! It's in the top three most painful from what I've heard. She said that the ribs, feet and wrists are horrible because it's right on the bone (imagine feeling intense burning sensations on top of a piercing vibration on your bones). Don't be too concerned though it's totally worth it the pain doesn't out weigh the benefits at all! Too be quite honest I have two now and I think the healing part is way more painful than the actual tattoo process. My foot was really swollen and I couldn't walk on it after a few days b/c I couldn't wear shoes (can we say infection? lol) but the nagging pain of the heeling and itching got to me way more than the tattooing actually did.
On the price it depends on the size. I thought mine would total over $300 for all the different colors and shading and she only charged me $150 for the whole thing. Also depends on who you go to. More in demand artists can charge more. Some charge by size and amount of ink/details and some people charge just by the hour. I would ask around look at all the work and judge the talent to the prices and pick your perfect artist from there.
I've heard a lot about a holographic type of thing happening with certain areas but I have never actual seen anyone with a wrist tattoo that has had this happen and I know A LOT of people who have this done who range in age. Although I do have one spot on my foot in the outline that looks like it ran a little. That's more the way it heals and the way you take care of it. I have mine down my big toe and up to my ankle from there so I couldn't even wear a flip flop on that foot b/c I was too afraid of rubbing. I felt like a dork but thought I was doing the right thing. It ended up infected and swollen and scabbed (not pretty I know sorry :s) and that's the spot I see the smudging in. If you take great care of it and follow your artists instructions to the T you should be fine.
Hope that answered all of your questions!!!!
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