tattoos vivian girls image
Dan- Your basic star of the football team, class president, prom king kinda guy, with those clean, American values, etc., etc., etc.
Reuben- That kid that is somehow involved in *everything* and on good terms with *everyone*. All around friendly, boy-next-door type.
Kai- Quiet, Asian girl. Really smart, straight A's, very big on the arts and sciences.
James- Average, run of the mill student. Nice enough, moderate group of friends, got a future going for him and a nice girlfriend.
Tasia- That kinda crazy girl who *always* sits at the front of the class, hand raised. Really energetic and organized, an overachiever, can get annoying to classmates easily.
Meg- The girl who hangs out with and holds her own around all the guys. Has had a lot of boyfriends, and is very experienced in the more physical areas of relationships. Definitely one to kiss and tell.
Quinn- Head cheerleader, prom queen, blonde, skinny, has got a good future going for her, has clean, American values, most likely dating the "Dan" type.
Helga- The big, butch, foreign girl with a heavy German accent and a huge mole on her neck. Hangs around the lunch ladies a lot.
Mia- Has a bazillion different colored streaks in her hair, wears ripped jeans, and is obsessed with her guitar and drumset. She's in a band outside of school and plans on going into the music industry, no matter what.
Melanei- Weird, artsy girl. Usually splattered in some kind of paint or babbling on about her latest project or art show. Van Gogh and Warhol are her idols. Has been known to hang around stoners.
Lauren- On the basketball, softball, and volleyball teams. Has a bunch of sports scholarships lined up. You will rarely find her without some kind of sports gear, equipment, or teammates nearby. Has a bunch of older brothers.
Drew- Stoner. Usually pretty out of it. Says something funny every now and then, but usually keeps to his small group of friends.
Phillip- Theater and choir nerd. Has been acting and singing since he was little and plans on making it to Broadway at some point in his life. Has no shame, willing to do or say just about anything.
Ferb- That kid who almost always seems to have some kind of conspiracy theory or weird experiment going. Own documentaries on just about every hoax you could imagine and explains them to just about anyone who will stay still long enough to listen.
Abby- The nerd. Dungeons and Dragons, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel superheroes and just about any franchise cult movie imaginable- you name it, she knows it and lives it. Her life's goal is to one day manage to get to every single panel at ComicCon.
Cat- The goth girl. Antisocial, pierced, tattooed, and studded. Goes to angsty poetry readings, wears all black and has an uncommon fascination with the occult. Doesn't hang out with most, if any, of the kids at her school.
Vanessa - Asian chick, pretty cool and smart, hangs out with the Jocks and the Cheerleaders a lot of the times, Good-Looking.
Trevon - African-American, basically a Ghetto dude, 16 years in the projects, and proud of it, knows a lot of Hip-Hop and is amazing at it.
Tiffani - Dumb Blond, a TOTAL Airhead, Mommy and Daddy buy her EVERYTHING a little bit of a whore too.
Dylan - A greedy little nerd. He is a TOTAL teacher's pet and gets beat up every day because of his annoying, idiotic and arrogant attitude, nobody likes him.
Hadley - A GIRL! Yes, a girl, she is total White Trash, dyed red hair, a Tupe top and Daisy Duke shorts, from winter to fall, to summer, Loud-mouthed, annoying and violent, Dylan has a crush on her.
Joseph - The class slacker he is an Art Student.
Janice - A little bit preppy and snobby, a closeted Lesbian, pretty intelligent.
Kai - Mexican-American, and is very cynical about a lot of things in school and whatever he's told, he has a very sarcastic side too, he's a left-brainer, and whenever he sees somebody smoke he instantly sees them as less intelligent or a poseur, he thinks they are pathetic little wannabes, just things like that which make him believe such skeptical thoughts about other people.
So, that's basically it, but maybe you can help with making up some more names, QUANTITY is more important than QUALITY in this game because the person who makes up the MOST characters wins Best Answer! OK?
Good Luck!!
Jock - Austin, Troy, Leo, Dexter, Damion, Adrian, Noel, Jason
Jewish-American - Rachel, Noah, Elliot, Ellis
Suburbanites - Carolyn, David, Derek, Noah, Claire, Emma
Theatre Kids - Amy, Lottie, Lola, Anthony, Gabrielle, Ryan, Shealyn, Chelydra, Mercy, Tawni, Gwendolyn, Tessa, Michelle, Caitlyn, Sean, Shane, Leo, Felix, Andrew, Nicola, Naomi, Austin, Olivia
Wacky Nerds - Collon, Mara, Marcia, Clive, Clyde
Poseur - Adrian, Aurora, Erica
Anime Freaks - Erik, Xavier, Alexander, Aria, Endora, Xena
Music Mice - Amy, Dominic, Aria
Rich Family - Christine, Adam, Amelia, Vivian, Rochelle, Jeremiah, Bethany, Charles, Nelson
Mexican Grand Theft Auto - Carlos
Creepy Gingers - Amy, Ginger, Clover, Scarlet
Rockers - Felix, Phoebe, Xena, Phoenix, Shadow, Annabel
Trashy White Folk - Rebecca, Adrian, Loraine
Criminals - Cory, Stella, Mimi, Jason, Damion, Lucas, Aria, Jessee, Noel, Noah, Braxton, Joel, Reese
Village Idiots - Allan, Emilia
Urban Rednecks - Patricia, Layla, Dominic, Dustin, Justin, Joel, Noah, Jonah, Jessee
Hipster Freaks - Hope, Faith, Charity, Destiny, Harmony, Valor, Richard
Foul Bachelors - Jason, Damion, Elliot, Austin
Art Students - Richard, Rochelle, Jessica
Italians - Taviana, Tatiana, Paulo
Cool Asians - Mara, Rani, Nadia, Elijah
Peace Makers - Rosanne, Orchid, Tulip, Indigo, Violet, Harmony, Melody, Serenity
Party Freaks - Austin, Adelaide, Jerome, Drake, Damion, Adrian, Pluto, Mercury, Venus
The Ghetto - Ariana, Arissa, Kyle, Aaron, Adele
Children Of The Mafia - Elijah, Estelle
French Snobs - Genevieve, Elodie, Eloise, Marius, Estelle, Veronique, Angelique, Esmee, Evangeline, Jean, Jacqueline, Josephine, Josette, Cosette
7-11 Workers - Shelby, Sutton, Leighton, Nathan, Collin, Blair, Mara, Marie
Intelligent Indians - Indira, Chandra, Rani
Lads And Ladettes - Schuyler, Austin, Adrian, Wren, Drake, Olivia
Clueless Dorks - Grace, Henrietta, Shelby, Collin, Clive, Clyde
Corrupt Hicks - Siria, Lester, Jessica, Jessee, Damion, Drake
Fruity Gay People - Carlos, Emmett, Warren, Wren
Butch Lesbians - Adrienne, Sioned, Shauna
Mean Girls - Regina, Ramona, Olivia, Priscilla, Autumn, Alicia, Meghan, Sophie, Kelly, Marcie, Monique, Jessica, Aleesa, Briony, Bliss, Blair, Chelsea, Serena
Twilight Fans - Erica, Amy, Alice, Rebecca, Rosalinda, Felix
The Obese - Mercedes, Marcus
The New English - Brett, Victoria, Edward, Lydia, Amelia, Amber, Mercy, Leon, Louis, Liam, Marcus
Babies and Young Moms - Brittany, Joanne, Carly, Deborah, Delaney, Alicia, Sutton, Meredith
Goth - Bliss, Blaize, Blaine, Amy, Ramona, Renesmee, Rebecca, Ezra, Thanatos, Percy, Isadora, Stefan, Merlin, Emery, Eudora, Endra, Samara, Artemis, Tabitha, Faith, Sabrina, Sage, Leon, Sweeney, Edgar, Allan, Poe, Salem, Todd, Tristan, Derek, Lydia, Lithia, Lenore, Annabel, Adrian, Adriana, Andromeda, Onyx, Felix, Phoenix, Phoebe, Shadow, Twilight, Quinn, Celia, Sebastian, Janice, Dawn, Erik, Erica, Fern, Giselle, Layla, Destiny, Ophelia, Damion, Lucas, Lucius, Olaf, Lilith, Lucretia, Ivy, Ebony, Elvira, Josiah, Ian, Isaac, Jerome, Elijah, Clover, Branwyn, Briar, Blair
Candy Consumers - Amy, Alexa, Briony, Byron, Bronte, Carlisle, Esther, Mirada, Myrna, Miriam
Natives American Students - Rana, Rani, Chandra, Ariana
Cave People - Adam, Agrevaine
The Germans - Gretchen, Vladimir
And that ONE Forever Alone Guy!!! - Lloyd
What are some really good books?
More specifically, any series I should start reading?
I'm looking for mystery/thriller/horror type stuff.
Any books by Sarah Dessen you LOVED?
I read Someone Like You and The Truth About Forever.
There's a dead person following my sister around by Vivian Van Velde
I Know What You Did Last Summer by Lois Duncan
Deadline by Chris Crutcher
Where the Heart Is by Billie Letts
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
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The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides
The Secret life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
White Oleander by Janet Fitch
Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen
The Blue is for Nightmares (collection of 4 books in the series) by Laurie Faria Stolarz http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/det...
Dead Witch Walking (The Hollows, Book 1) by Kim Harrison http://www.amazon.com/Dead-Witch-Walking...
Cut by Patricia McCormick
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
Twisted by Laurie Halse Anderson
Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli
Catalyst by Laurie Halse Anderson
Looking for Alaska by John Green
Just Listen by Sarah Dessen
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson
Story of a Girl by Sara Zarr
The Rules of Survival by Nancy Werlin
Sweethearts by Sara Zarr
Lost It by Kristen Tracy
Two-way Street by Lauren Barnholdt
When It Happens by Susane Colasanti
Before I Die by Jenny Downham
Bloom by Elizabeth Scott
Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac by Gabrielle Zevin
Perfect You by Elizabeth Scott
Harmless by Dana Reinhardt
I Heart You, You Haunt Me by Lisa Schroeder
Paper Towns by John Green
Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks, The by E. Lockhart
The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson
Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta
13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson
Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn
Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott
Madapple by Christina Meldrum
What I Saw And How I Lied by Judy Blundell
Waiting for Normal by Leslie Connor
The Missing Girl by Norma Fox Mazer
Shift by Jennifer Bradbury
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson
The Sweet Far Thing (The Gemma Doyle Trilogy) by Libba Bray
Jerk, California by Jonathan Friesen
How Not to Be Popular by Jennifer Ziegler
Sucks to Be Me: The All-True Confessions of Mi... by Kimberly Pauley
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Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World by Vicki Myron
The Juvie Three by Gordon Korman
Looks by Madeleine George
North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley
Black Box by Julie Schumacher
City of Glass (Mortal Instruments) by Cassandra Clare
ghostgirl by Tonya Hurley
Need by Carrie Jones
Wondrous Strange by Lesley Livingston
Raven by Allison van Diepen
A Certain Slant of Light by Laura Whitcomb
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