tattoos for girls shoulder blade image
Alex K
it would be a quote tattoo that will be three lines. Ive never seen a quote tattoo on a guys shoulder blade only girls so im wondering if that'ss a bad spot. If it is what would be a good spot?
Personally i know a few guys with it and i think it looks soo awsome. It's sexy and attractive, as long as it doesnt look to plain like its just been dotted there for no reason. Another good place i think on a guy is the lower stomach, but any way yeah guys should i think their cool. Hope i helped :) <3 xxx
Personally i know a few guys with it and i think it looks soo awsome. It's sexy and attractive, as long as it doesnt look to plain like its just been dotted there for no reason. Another good place i think on a guy is the lower stomach, but any way yeah guys should i think their cool. Hope i helped :) <3 xxx
Where can I find the best butterfly tattoos?
I was looking to have someone design my tattoo but I just think its going to be extra money and I might not even like the tattoo they draw. So im looking for a butterfly tattoo that I can put on my right shoulder blade. Im also looking for either chinese or arabic letters that can spell out Mimi. Thats what my grandfather use to call me. I am not sure yet what kind of letters I want but im not looking for "dirty" letters like cursive or anything english. I like soft letters that would look nice on a females body. I just think that american letters on a girl looks trashy (thats just my opinion). Please help!
You should look around the internet and modify one yourself. You should also be able to bring up a coupls of pictures you like to the tattoo place and have them do little changes themselves. I don't know if it will cost more or not, that seems like more of a decision the tattoo place makes themselves.
As far as the letters go you should be able to find a couple of translator websites that have those languages and translate something from English to Arabic (or whatever you want.) Since it is a translating website you can be pretty sure it doesn't say something random. Try Babblefish.
You should look around the internet and modify one yourself. You should also be able to bring up a coupls of pictures you like to the tattoo place and have them do little changes themselves. I don't know if it will cost more or not, that seems like more of a decision the tattoo place makes themselves.
As far as the letters go you should be able to find a couple of translator websites that have those languages and translate something from English to Arabic (or whatever you want.) Since it is a translating website you can be pretty sure it doesn't say something random. Try Babblefish.
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