tattoos for girls in the belly image
So what areas do tats look best on women, which areas are the easiest to hide (but if you want to show them off you can), which are the most painful to get a tattoo at and which areas of the body are the least painful to get a tat at? oh and what style tattoos do you guys like the best?
i dont have a tattoo, but i hope you dont mind me answering, I love to c tats on women and men as well, but on women i think it looks super sexy on the lower back and the side of the leg, around your belly like a shape like the sun with flames, or even sexiest when nobody knows about it, like keeping it personal and only showing the person you intimate with, i always thought that was beyond sexy!
i dont have a tattoo, but i hope you dont mind me answering, I love to c tats on women and men as well, but on women i think it looks super sexy on the lower back and the side of the leg, around your belly like a shape like the sun with flames, or even sexiest when nobody knows about it, like keeping it personal and only showing the person you intimate with, i always thought that was beyond sexy!
is it okay to refuse to date a girl because she a belly button piercing or a tattoo?
both of those things are really unattractive and most girls that have them are slûts anyway. it's either that or just sleep with them and run. sound good?
Well you can choose whatever you want. If piercings aren't your thing then hey that's your choice. If you don't like it then you don't like it. But it's also stupid as hell to assume all people with belly piercings are slutty. My best friend has a belly piercing and she's the furthest thing from slutty. Maybe get to know the person before you deny them for something as trivial as that.
Well you can choose whatever you want. If piercings aren't your thing then hey that's your choice. If you don't like it then you don't like it. But it's also stupid as hell to assume all people with belly piercings are slutty. My best friend has a belly piercing and she's the furthest thing from slutty. Maybe get to know the person before you deny them for something as trivial as that.
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