Monday, December 23, 2013

Is it okay to have a little wrist tattoo at 14 years?

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Can You Fe

Hi.I just want to have a tattoo because of my school success and becoming a high school student at a famous college.I am 14.I just want to your advices and feeling about it.I dont know what type tattoo i get also you can help me for my wrist tattoo.What do you think for my age?Ä°s it dangerous for me?
Please give me great tips for model of tattoo and what tattoo do our body health?
I am waiting for answers and i am gonna add the best "best answers".

You should express yourself , if your parents are okay , then you should .... Congrats going to the famous college....I would not let my own daughter , yet I think its okay to be yourself ... I think you should get a heart or infinity tattoo
Or you could get a butterfly
Or you could get religous sign ( depending on your religon )
If your christian you could go for -
What ever religon you are , you could get a symbol from that religon
You could even get a tattoo of your name or somebody special in your lifes (eg.Abigail)
Or a cartoon character such as spongebob
Or you could get one of your starsign eg leo
Or of the sun or the moon
Or of a cupcake or something girly

Or of a basic heart

There are endless ideas , but I just listed a few of my favourite
Remember to think hard about this because if you don't like the design it is painful to get out , and try not to get anything inapropriete because you are still in school , and you are still young

Hoped I helped and good luck

Can someone give me some classic flash tattoo designs please?


I'm writing a report.

So far I have the pin up girl, the swallow, the eagle, the anchor, and the skull. Are there any important ones I'm forgetting? Thanks!

Chinese words
Japanese words
Tribal (yuck)

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