tattoo design for girls ankle image
Chloe Moni
I've always loved tattoos and am considering my very first one now that I'm eighteen. However, my only problem is I'm not too sure where I'd like to have it. It's going to be my family's crest and I would like to have it inked somewhere that would be respectful A.K.A. not a tramp stamp. So I was wondering if anyone that has any tattoos could give me some suggestions?
Being that you are girl in my opinion its not only where you put it but how you shape it to your body. Also, you may need to worry about it not being seen by employers. Generally, rib cage, lower back to the side, mid-back could be difficult to be seen unless in bathing suit. Then it could be tasteful on you upper back or ankle. Usually putting it in the middle of lower back, upper leg, lower stomach, etc could be considered trashy. Also take into consideration the natural curves your body has. Some tattoos even look better when you match them to the natural beauty your body already has. My personal favorite it the upper rib cage with its intense curves. I would just do a lot of research, get a good design, and find a good artist then it really doesn't matter..good luck!
Being that you are girl in my opinion its not only where you put it but how you shape it to your body. Also, you may need to worry about it not being seen by employers. Generally, rib cage, lower back to the side, mid-back could be difficult to be seen unless in bathing suit. Then it could be tasteful on you upper back or ankle. Usually putting it in the middle of lower back, upper leg, lower stomach, etc could be considered trashy. Also take into consideration the natural curves your body has. Some tattoos even look better when you match them to the natural beauty your body already has. My personal favorite it the upper rib cage with its intense curves. I would just do a lot of research, get a good design, and find a good artist then it really doesn't matter..good luck!
Where is a good place for a tattoo on a female?
Well, if you plan on saying how they look trashy, i'd rather you didnt answer. Thanks.
So, I'll be turning 16 in about 2 months, and I'm getting a tattoo with my dad, and then another with my step mom. Dont say that I shouldnt get them, because one day i might decide i dont want them. Because I'm getting them for a reason, to be tattoo'd with my parents. So I will never grow out of them.
Anyway, I am thinking about getting a tattoo wrapped around my ankle, and then one by my right collar bone, because when i am 18 i plan on getting a chest piece.
All the tattoos i'm planning have a specific meaning, so dont say i'm too young. if i was too young, they wouldnt have the age as 16.
thanks. =]
just need some other ideas for placement that i can hide if needed, but show off easily.
I dont want a lower back tat, seeing as thats what most girls have these days, and I like to be out there with myself.
Like, I have 10 piercings already, piercings that no one would even think of having.
the one i was thinking for my ankle is a staff with music notes on it, wrapped all the way around. it would be cool to have it on the inside of my wrist, but my parents probably wouldnt be cool with one where people could see it if i wasnted a job. but a watch could hide it i suppose.
=] keep them coming!
Maybe the music staff alog the back of my neck? i dont know.
And hun, you know who you are. Dont call me a little kid. I've probably gone thru more in my life than you could ever know. My parents are great parents. I guess you wouldnt know. But I am getting tattoos with THEM. not just for fun. I'm not ignorant. Do you honestly think i am going to listen to you?
You know what makes me sick? the fact that i asked for no negative comments. So grow up a bit and learn some responsibility and maturity.
I know what i want to do as my career, and a tattoo wouldnt affect it.
Be aware that around the ankle is very sensitive & will hurt more than other areas the same for going down the rib cage.
I have one on the back of my neck not a bird or anything like that more of a symbol design.
I also have one on the ankle of a Egyptian symbol http://altreligion.about.com/library/glossary/symbols/bldefseyeofhorus.htm
& one on my shoulder which only I see cause usually covered over with a T shirt which is an animal I also have a rose symbol on my chest & yes I am a girl so if you want them you go ahead & get them.
A lot of people dont like them but not as if your going round pushing them in there face so go with your own instinct & sod every one else.
You can get them on your hip too, a lot of people are getting them there or the base of there back
Be aware that around the ankle is very sensitive & will hurt more than other areas the same for going down the rib cage.
I have one on the back of my neck not a bird or anything like that more of a symbol design.
I also have one on the ankle of a Egyptian symbol http://altreligion.about.com/library/glossary/symbols/bldefseyeofhorus.htm
& one on my shoulder which only I see cause usually covered over with a T shirt which is an animal I also have a rose symbol on my chest & yes I am a girl so if you want them you go ahead & get them.
A lot of people dont like them but not as if your going round pushing them in there face so go with your own instinct & sod every one else.
You can get them on your hip too, a lot of people are getting them there or the base of there back
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