Ellie T
well im getting my first tattoo next month, because im a catholic girl and i want a tattoo that means something to me i was going to get a cross tattooed on my belly but then everyone said about when im older and get pregnant it would stretch so instead im looking to get "jesus died for me now i live for him" because its quite a long sentence i would be getting it done in 2 lines in curly fancy writing on my lower back, wot do you think? also is lower back tattoos painful! thank you? x
Lower back tattoos are generally called tramp stamps, for something a little more unique you could get the words written down wards from the center of your shoulder blades to your lower back following your spine you can do it so its read side on so you can still use cursive fonts rather then, a which can look disjointed. Good luck :)
Lower back tattoos are generally called tramp stamps, for something a little more unique you could get the words written down wards from the center of your shoulder blades to your lower back following your spine you can do it so its read side on so you can still use cursive fonts rather then, a which can look disjointed. Good luck :)
Rib tattoos on chubby girls?!?

Any tattoo artists or chubby girls w/ rib tattoos have any comments? I'm a chubby girl that is getting a rib tattoo on Tuesday, and I'm wondering what people think, or how it looks, or how far down your side you should go since I have 'love handles'... I'm confident about my body, so that doesn't matter, but I can't find ANY pictures of bigger girls w/ rib tattoos!
I'm 5'5 and 200lbs...Most of my weight is carried on my bottom half though...my tummy isnt too bad, but i do have love handles...
I have a rib tattoo and I'm a chunky chick. Personally, I love it! I think it's my best one yet!
I have those fabulous love handles too and I went down to the curve of my hip to underneath my arm on the side of my breast. I think girls with tattoos are beautiful but chubby girls with tattoos...it's like an added bonus! I'll tell you though it hurts like hell. Especially on the side of the your boob. Ugh it's awful but it's so worth it!
I'm glad you're getting one because us chubby girls shouldn't be afraid or hesitant of getting rib tattoos just because we have a little extra meat on us.
More power to you sweetie.
I have a rib tattoo and I'm a chunky chick. Personally, I love it! I think it's my best one yet!
I have those fabulous love handles too and I went down to the curve of my hip to underneath my arm on the side of my breast. I think girls with tattoos are beautiful but chubby girls with tattoos...it's like an added bonus! I'll tell you though it hurts like hell. Especially on the side of the your boob. Ugh it's awful but it's so worth it!
I'm glad you're getting one because us chubby girls shouldn't be afraid or hesitant of getting rib tattoos just because we have a little extra meat on us.
More power to you sweetie.
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