ima girl and i just want something cute and little. also places to put it?
lmao get a hello kitty tattoo!!!
or stars, girls always get those.
but i think you should figure something out yourself though.
be more original =)
lmao get a hello kitty tattoo!!!
or stars, girls always get those.
but i think you should figure something out yourself though.
be more original =)
Where should i get my hello kitty tattoo?
Q. Okay i have 3 tattoos i have the playboy bunny on my lower hip the lady gaga tribal roses along my back and princess written on my foot i had the bunny since i was 18. There is nothing childish about playboy hence to me it always means strong beautiful women and thats why i got it. I will be turning 22 and i would love to get a hello kitty tattoo but i dont know if i will regret it or not its hard to know ive always loved hello kitty and it brightens up my day i just dont want t o regret it when im older?
LMAO omenkill you have a sad life if thats what u think people like you should be put down
nothing gives you the right to call somebody skanky over some tattoo what a person does and how she behaves makes her skanky no amount of tattoos or clothes make a woman a "skank" crawl back under your rock and shush
LMAO omenkill you have a sad life if thats what u think people like you should be put down
nothing gives you the right to call somebody skanky over some tattoo what a person does and how she behaves makes her skanky no amount of tattoos or clothes make a woman a "skank" crawl back under your rock and shush
Just ignore the haters...believe me I see them every day.
I put playboy bunnies permanently on each arm and love that I can turn any tanktop into a Playboy shirt. Several times girls have made fun of them, making rude comments like you got in this question.
At least your bunny can be hidden; when I walk into a club wearing a tank everybody notices.
Get the hello kitty on your shoulder or somewhere visible to say FU to all the haters.
Just ignore the haters...believe me I see them every day.
I put playboy bunnies permanently on each arm and love that I can turn any tanktop into a Playboy shirt. Several times girls have made fun of them, making rude comments like you got in this question.
At least your bunny can be hidden; when I walk into a club wearing a tank everybody notices.
Get the hello kitty on your shoulder or somewhere visible to say FU to all the haters.
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