lou xxx
im getting a skull candy tattoo with roses around it, i know it will hurt i have 2 but forgot the preperation its been that long
so what shall i do the morning before?
and what can i do to distract myself
and aftercare! what shall i use? also im going away a week after its been done but i will keep it covered up any other tips
im a girl btw :D
Shower before you go there so the skin is already clean. You can listen to your ipod do a crossword puzzle text your friends stay on instagram or facebook. Do something that entertains you. Blasting music always helped for me. Aftercare. Make sure when you take a shower after getting it done probably the next day you run lightly over it with a soap bar just to get any excess blood and dried skin off of it to avoid infection. Keep it moisturized with either Neosporin A&D or coco butter. After the first week or so put lotion on it daily after getting out of the shower. On your vacation its okay to let it air out. You will have to take the dressing off completely within the next few days to let the tattoo scab and heal correctly but AVOID SUN EXPOSURE AND POOLS to it, They can both make the tattoo fade. GOOD LUCKK !
Shower before you go there so the skin is already clean. You can listen to your ipod do a crossword puzzle text your friends stay on instagram or facebook. Do something that entertains you. Blasting music always helped for me. Aftercare. Make sure when you take a shower after getting it done probably the next day you run lightly over it with a soap bar just to get any excess blood and dried skin off of it to avoid infection. Keep it moisturized with either Neosporin A&D or coco butter. After the first week or so put lotion on it daily after getting out of the shower. On your vacation its okay to let it air out. You will have to take the dressing off completely within the next few days to let the tattoo scab and heal correctly but AVOID SUN EXPOSURE AND POOLS to it, They can both make the tattoo fade. GOOD LUCKK !

So my boyfriend of 4 years has a facebook and instagram which i guess is ok with me, but on his instagram he always likes this girl's pictures,which i mean she is really hot, shes all tatted, nice body, but god she wears alot of make up which makes her look good, and with out it, she isnt so pretty. So if my boyfriend likes every picture of her , that tells me he like girls with make up, but he doesnt like me wearing make up, infact he tells me that he doesnt like any girl wearing makeup, so that makes him a liar..i only have 4 tattoos and my body isnt so bad... i mean im the type of greaser girl, simple eyeliner and redlipstick, everyone tells me (that style fits you) and my boyfriend does too, he loves that style, always telling me to buy more clothes like that. which i do, but i dont understand why he has to like her pictures all he time, and not mine.. im not saying he cant check other girls out either, but its only her, even the drinks that she posts up, is there something bad about this? its not that im insecure or anything, but i do get a little jealous....how would you react?
i forgot to mention they do text eachother...
It sounds to me like they are just friends. He told you which type of girl he's interested in, but like someone else's picture that's different than his type does not mean he is a liar. They are probably just friends. If it really bothers you, talk to him about it. Ask him why he likes her pictures. And as long as he isn't doing anything bad and cheating on you, who cares if they talk? If you control who he talks to you're going to push him away, believe me. Just sit down and have a nice conversation about it and don't jump the gun, just listen to what he has to say. Good luck (:
It sounds to me like they are just friends. He told you which type of girl he's interested in, but like someone else's picture that's different than his type does not mean he is a liar. They are probably just friends. If it really bothers you, talk to him about it. Ask him why he likes her pictures. And as long as he isn't doing anything bad and cheating on you, who cares if they talk? If you control who he talks to you're going to push him away, believe me. Just sit down and have a nice conversation about it and don't jump the gun, just listen to what he has to say. Good luck (:
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