tattoos for girls ribs image
about how much would it cost to get :
The butterflies are passive aggressive and
put their problems on the shelf but they're beautiful
he'll realize the only thing thatâs real are the kids that kid themselves
and the demise of the beautiful
tattooed on the side of a girls rib cage in old english script?
do you think its a cool idea?
For a quote that long on your rib cage, you would have to get the letters pretty big - anything small would tend to blur over time. Honestly, you should try cutting the quote into at least half, maybe even a quarter - look at it and think about which phrase jumps out or means the most to you. It will look better and be less painful and less expensive if you choose one line to get. Yes the ribs are one of the most painful places to get tattooed. And if you want the whole quote you may have to end up paying hourly and the going rate varies but could be about $100-$150 an hour. Also, getting the whole quote would probably mean getting a tattoo much bigger than you had planned on. Again, I seriously suggest looking at it and picking out one line or a few words that would help you to remember the whole quote.
For a quote that long on your rib cage, you would have to get the letters pretty big - anything small would tend to blur over time. Honestly, you should try cutting the quote into at least half, maybe even a quarter - look at it and think about which phrase jumps out or means the most to you. It will look better and be less painful and less expensive if you choose one line to get. Yes the ribs are one of the most painful places to get tattooed. And if you want the whole quote you may have to end up paying hourly and the going rate varies but could be about $100-$150 an hour. Also, getting the whole quote would probably mean getting a tattoo much bigger than you had planned on. Again, I seriously suggest looking at it and picking out one line or a few words that would help you to remember the whole quote.
Do any of you guys like tattoos on girls?
Regan Hodg
What do you think of tattoos on girls. And where are the nicest places for girls?
Sorry for all the morons on here that troll the tattoo section and say bad things about tattoos. Anyway to answer your question yes it's very sexy when women have tattoos and I really like women with half sleeves or full sleeves if they can pull it off but half sleeves look hot and so do back pieces. The best places would be your upper arms, back, ribs really anywhere as long as the tattoo is well done and looks good. Tattoos on women are hot and anyone else who says different is just jealous and are too scared and will never get a tattoo so they rag on people who do have them. Good luck getting tattooed!
Sorry for all the morons on here that troll the tattoo section and say bad things about tattoos. Anyway to answer your question yes it's very sexy when women have tattoos and I really like women with half sleeves or full sleeves if they can pull it off but half sleeves look hot and so do back pieces. The best places would be your upper arms, back, ribs really anywhere as long as the tattoo is well done and looks good. Tattoos on women are hot and anyone else who says different is just jealous and are too scared and will never get a tattoo so they rag on people who do have them. Good luck getting tattooed!
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