kanji tattoo ideas for girls image
list of tattoo idea and their meanings. pretty much all but one aren't in stone. ive been thinking for years. and ill be training in becoming a tattoo artist relatively soon.
1: a black undead koi fish a little above my heart. i want it to be crying blood and have the red kanji for love on its forhead, and off to the side (not on the fish) the kanji for perserverance.
the meaning for this comes from my father, he was adopted and his adoptive mother beat the shit out of him and stuffed religion down his throat. then thought "repenting" fixed their relationship. shes a very cruel woman. the koi fish being undead does represent my dad. koi are very durable. the bleeding eyes represent religion and the kanjis are for perservearing past it. and the love on its forhead meaning nobody really saw what was going on with her, but saw a "loving mother" i really love japanese culture too, it fits well.
im really solid on this one.
second is a lady ranicorn, on adventure time, wrapped arounnd my forearm...just at the wrist and ending on top of my hand eating a cupcake.
in the show nobody understands lady ranicorn because she speaks korean, and nobody really understands the amount of work she does, coloring the world. it really just represents me persuing my art career.
third is a realistic banana with wings below my belly button lol
basically because my full name is Ariana, my dad calls me banana or "flying banana" not what it sounds like. lol.
next is a tramp stamp of a cupcake.
every girl gets a tribal heart tramp stamp. why cant i get something equally as stupid? i like cupcakes. they like hearts. end of story.
i like them, but what do YOU thinks? :]
i love :D them all you are good at tattoo ideas il ask you for
a idea if i want one
my faves the banana -_-
i love :D them all you are good at tattoo ideas il ask you for
a idea if i want one
my faves the banana -_-
What is MPY in japanese?
i'm getting my first tattoo on my birthday, and i really want to get my grandpas initials on my wrist, (he died 3 years ago) but i want to get them in like, japanese or in something cool. what would it look like? oh, and, what are some cool ideas for star tattoos on the hip?
You cannot translate Western letters into Kanji. It doesn't work like that. You should stay away from Kanji all together, it's almost always incorrect. Please take a look at this website if you don't believe me: http://www.hanzismatter.com - read right down and watch the white people get mocked for having symbols on their skin that they have no idea of the meaning of. My personal favourite on there currently is the girl who unwittingly got 'cheap whore' tattooed on herself.
As for star tattoos, just google it. I promise you there are billions of images out there.
Mandie - haha I know. Though apparently that woman intended to get 'b!tch' so she probably had it coming to her! There are even funnier ones if you look on the old blog pages, but I forget most of them, I think there are a few who it turned out had extracts from chinese takeout menus tattooed on them, one was 'prostitute' and there were a couple of things like 'big mistake' LOL. There was one where a guy had gone to Japan on holiday and had a tattoo there and thought he had some tough saying, I forget, but it turned out to be something taking the piss out of foreigners, I can't find it now perhaps it's been removed, that one made me laugh though! My humour is probably too harsh!
You cannot translate Western letters into Kanji. It doesn't work like that. You should stay away from Kanji all together, it's almost always incorrect. Please take a look at this website if you don't believe me: http://www.hanzismatter.com - read right down and watch the white people get mocked for having symbols on their skin that they have no idea of the meaning of. My personal favourite on there currently is the girl who unwittingly got 'cheap whore' tattooed on herself.
As for star tattoos, just google it. I promise you there are billions of images out there.
Mandie - haha I know. Though apparently that woman intended to get 'b!tch' so she probably had it coming to her! There are even funnier ones if you look on the old blog pages, but I forget most of them, I think there are a few who it turned out had extracts from chinese takeout menus tattooed on them, one was 'prostitute' and there were a couple of things like 'big mistake' LOL. There was one where a guy had gone to Japan on holiday and had a tattoo there and thought he had some tough saying, I forget, but it turned out to be something taking the piss out of foreigners, I can't find it now perhaps it's been removed, that one made me laugh though! My humour is probably too harsh!
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