Mike Hawk
This question got deleted before i was able to get a real answer. I had to explain somewhat in detail about intercourse i had with a girl in order to get my story across, so if you can't mature up and read this without reporting it, then click the back button on the top left corner of the screen.
Okay, so first of all, I'm in a fraternity.. We were throwing an all night rager at the frat castle and I had the night off from being pledgemaster. I let the pledges have one night of freedom because i'm just a gentleman like that, but anyways I was going shot4shot with this cute sorority girl (We're top tier so we only have the hot sororities at our events.) we drank for a while and and she started wanting to have conversations but i know that leads to nowhere so i gave the hint that me and her should leave together and we both went back to her sorority house. So when i started undressing her, i noticed she had a small tattoo of a face and a name, but i was really drunk so i didn't take a detailed look, but i did find it weird that a southern sorority belle had a tramp stamp above her butt, it seemed kinda trashy to me. But i was drunk and didn't care at that point. So we started going at it, and about 15 minutes into the intercourse, i told her to switch positions so i could hit it from behind, and That's when i really got to get a good look at the tattoo (If that statement offends you, grow up) The tattoo was a picture of my dads face and his name circled around the face. I thought i was seeing things to be honest because we had raged so hard and tried to ignore it but i kept looking down at it every 15 or so seconds. While this was happening, i slowly reached into the pockets of my polo shorts that were laying on the bed next to me and pulled out my phone to take a picture so when i woke up the next morning i would remember it. She didn't see me take the picture, thank goodness.
ANyways the rest of the hookup was the wierdest, most confusing time of my life. Being a young frat star, I've pretty much seen it all, but this was a whole new experience to me. So we parted ways and i went back to a friends dorm to get some rest and he's a GDI so i know it would be quiet at his place. Sure enough when i woke up, not only did i find dip spit on my boat shoes, but i also found the picture. That's when my memory jogged. That was a few weeks ago and i do have that girls number, but i don't know whether to call her and ask or call my dad and ask. Maybe i should forget it ever happened. My dad was a young frat star at my age too so i know he could get any woman he wanted to, but i'm just plain confused about this. My mom was the Miss of *university name redacted for privacy reasons* so i know he wouldnt cheat on his trophy wife, but she is getting old and maybe he got bored and is messing with younger girls now. EIther way, is this any of my business or should i just leave it alone and forget it happend? thanks.
If I were you I would bring it up in conversation with your dad about how you noticed a girl you were dating had a back tattoo, or ask the girl about the tattoo. That's all you can do for closure in finding out whether or not that really was a tatt of your dad. I don't believe in that "is this any of my business" stuff b/c you noticed it legitamtly while having sex with her. I wouldn't "not" saying anything and worry about whether you're crossing a line by asking her, b/c you're related to him....it's an elephant in the room. You might as well ask her, b/c if it lasts then you have to deal with it, but if it doesn't you don't want to be left not knowing.
If I were you I would bring it up in conversation with your dad about how you noticed a girl you were dating had a back tattoo, or ask the girl about the tattoo. That's all you can do for closure in finding out whether or not that really was a tatt of your dad. I don't believe in that "is this any of my business" stuff b/c you noticed it legitamtly while having sex with her. I wouldn't "not" saying anything and worry about whether you're crossing a line by asking her, b/c you're related to him....it's an elephant in the room. You might as well ask her, b/c if it lasts then you have to deal with it, but if it doesn't you don't want to be left not knowing.
Why are girls with lower back tattoos classified as tramps?
Q. I have heard of the term "tramp stamp", but a lot of girls have lower back tattoos, but that doesn't mean necessarily that they are tramps. My friend has a lower back tattoo and she dresses like a lady should, and she never try to show it off. She a is also really professional and classy. Why do most people classify girls with those tattoos as tramps, or sluts?
Because they're shallow people who use dated terms to judge someone on false and ridiculous accusations. I have a lower back tattoos, and I'm happily still a virgin, no rush to jump into bed with someone. I'm far from being a tramp. Those who use that term are simply following the crowd of the other people who use it, apparently lacking in any common sense. I suppose it stems from the fact that it's right above their butt, but come on now, I just have a tiny unicorn tattoo, it doesn't say "$1 a ride." Sorry for the rant, haha!
Because they're shallow people who use dated terms to judge someone on false and ridiculous accusations. I have a lower back tattoos, and I'm happily still a virgin, no rush to jump into bed with someone. I'm far from being a tramp. Those who use that term are simply following the crowd of the other people who use it, apparently lacking in any common sense. I suppose it stems from the fact that it's right above their butt, but come on now, I just have a tiny unicorn tattoo, it doesn't say "$1 a ride." Sorry for the rant, haha!
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