I either want this: http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/back-neck. its the 2nd pic done the girl on the left or this: http://www.google.co.nz/imgres?hl=en&safe=off&biw=1252&bih=572&tbm=isch&tbnid=5Y8sSGaqO9SVuM:&imgrefurl=http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/infinity%2520tattoo%3Fbefore%3D1339856695&docid=PCzcGENGA7OhwM&imgurl=http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5ooduvdoe1ryfipxo1_250.jpg&w=240&h=200&ei=DY2HUKPQEbGQiAfG_4HwAQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=337&vpy=168&dur=101&hovh=160&hovw=192&tx=60&ty=55&sig=110754559931175020644&page=1&tbnh=138&tbnw=161&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:68 ...... haha help me choose or any other ideas that you think is cool this is my first tattoo?
Definitely the cross. The infinity symbol has no obvious meaning. Also, I like how you're thinking of keeping it simple. It would be a tat that could look good in a dark colored dress. It's simple and classy. Also, kudos to not going Celtic on the cross. That's so played out! Lol.
Answer mine? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ahww1oGk2W8H6C43IIKYQIrty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20121023233542AA15KJF
Hey Holly, the correct link is up, now
Definitely the cross. The infinity symbol has no obvious meaning. Also, I like how you're thinking of keeping it simple. It would be a tat that could look good in a dark colored dress. It's simple and classy. Also, kudos to not going Celtic on the cross. That's so played out! Lol.
Answer mine? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ahww1oGk2W8H6C43IIKYQIrty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20121023233542AA15KJF
Hey Holly, the correct link is up, now
People have issues with my tattoo?
So I'm part Maori (on my mothers side) part Ukranian (on my fathers side) and I have a Moko, which is a traditional Maori tattoo. But lately I've been getting a lot of criticism for having one. So I spent most of my childhood in Ukraine and my mother who is from New Zealand made sure that me and my siblings knew all about our Maori culture and heritage. So when I was 17 I had my Moko done and that was fine until I travelled to New Zealand where a Maori woman came up to me and said that it was disrepectful for "Whites" to have a Moko. I was gobsmacked! I couldn't even muster up the words to tell her that I was part Maori and had every right to have this tattoo. And I've had a lot more comments like that since then too.I know I just look like a typical white girl with blonde hair and green eyes but it's a bit upsetting and I'm not entirely sure how to deal with the people that comment these things and it's getting annoying having to explain why a "white chick who's not even from NZ" has a Moko. What do you tell people when they ask about your tattoos? Do you give them the story or just let them think what they want?
I think in your case, you should have told them. "I know I may not look Maori, but I promise you, I have Maori blood in my veins just like you do." And then just leave it at that. You shouldn't let people confront you and criticize you for your choices. It's your body, and it's a part of your culture. Who are they to say that you aren't worthy of a tattoo?
As for me, I don't have a tattoo with cultural significance like yours, but it does have personal significance. I don't feel it necessary to tell them why I got it unless they ask. But if they criticized me for it...I would set them straight.
I think in your case, you should have told them. "I know I may not look Maori, but I promise you, I have Maori blood in my veins just like you do." And then just leave it at that. You shouldn't let people confront you and criticize you for your choices. It's your body, and it's a part of your culture. Who are they to say that you aren't worthy of a tattoo?
As for me, I don't have a tattoo with cultural significance like yours, but it does have personal significance. I don't feel it necessary to tell them why I got it unless they ask. But if they criticized me for it...I would set them straight.
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