I want the banksy balloon girl tattoed on me with the words "there is always hope". I wanted it on my side but im 2nd thoughting the location..
Are forearm tattoos trashy on girls? And im not sure that locations good because im going into nursing, mind you I already have a small (peace/heart) tattoo on my wrist..
Since you are wanting to be a nurse, I would not suggest getting a tattoo that you can not cover. Forearm on a girl is a little trashy. I would find another place.
Since you are wanting to be a nurse, I would not suggest getting a tattoo that you can not cover. Forearm on a girl is a little trashy. I would find another place.
do you like tattoos on girls?

i personally love tattoos, as long as they mean something to you, but i know some people think they're trashy. i have 6 as of now
-tribal lookin thing goin across my lower back with the virgo sign in it
-strawberry in handwriting across my tummy, like inbetween my hips, its a nickname from a long time ago that really means alot lol
-the baby phat cat with my last name in handwriting underneath it on my left wrist
-the chinese symbol for courage on my right wrist
-chinese symbol for year of the dragon on the side of my neck, like behind my earlobe
-and my mayan symbol (like mexican horoscope) on the back of my neck, on that bone there
i also want 2 more quote ones, shakespeare lol
love sees not with the eyes but with the mind, and therefore is winged cupid painted blind
She is beautiful, and therefore to be wooed; She is woman, and therefore to be won
and as for the last name thing, lol pretty sure i won't forget it, buts its something thats never going to change, even if i get married it'll still mean something to me, specially cuz me and my mom are the last 2 with that name in our family so its important,
and yes i know about the ''tramp stamp'' thing, buuut nah lol i keep it covered, and i was 17 when i got it and i went with my mom, we both got virgo tattoos lol so shush with that i just liked a spot that it only shows if i want it to
hell yeah tattoos are so freakin sexy on a girl!
hell yeah tattoos are so freakin sexy on a girl!
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