noodle doo
I have been a huge UFO and alien fan. My family and I strongly believe in the existence of aliens and I would like to display these strong beliefs on my skin for the rest of my life. So, between these 2 pictures, which do you think would look best? I'm a girl by the way, and I think I want to get it on my upper right arm. But other suggestions are appreciated and taken into consideration. Although I am saving my left shoulder blade for and elephant tattoo.
I also want to get the words "we are not alone" under it.
1. Tattoos (& aliens) are SUPER cliche these days (especially bad tattoos). It's usually a decision people regret later in life.
2. It makes you appear as if you have identity crisis issues. Low self esteem or lack of creativity Especially, if it's something as misrepresentative as an "alien" on your skin (an alien? Really?). Think about it. You are becoming a human poster child or "ad campaign" for something YOU yourself can't even explain. Hopefully what I'll tell you below will help or at least give you some other perspective
I'm really not trying to insult you here & I'm not opposed to people getting tattoos. I'm trying to keep you from making a decision you will later regret. You seem like a really nice person & just remember you don't NEED tattoos to prove who you are & that you are some "hipster". Your identity is in your mind & in your heart. This is what I posted for someone else regarding the existence of aliens:
UFO's are real, but not in the sense you think. The 2 top most respected researchers in this field are J. Allen Hynek (American) & Jacques Vallee (French researcher). Hynek was appointed to head a government funded project back in the 1950's called project Bluebook during the height of the UFO phenomena @ this time. His findings after decades of research (along with Vallee) is that these beings have the ability to APPEAR to be physical, materialize & dematerialize when they want which is why their abilities "appear" to defy properties of physics & can travel at unbelievable speeds. Their conclusions are that these beings are 'interdimensional' or 'demonic' (No, they are or WERE not Christians when they published their findings either) & that they are NOT friendly beings because they pose as something they are not & they never make contact or confirm their intentions which is something always indicative of a deceptive nature
They also conclude that there is no proof they actually come from outer space, but rather fall in line with the same phenomena of spirits, ghosts, demons, etc. The reason for this is because "alien abductees" experience & exhibit the same symptoms & behavior as a person that is "demonically possessed". It's the same phenomena when an abductee is studied under deep hypnosis. Many psychologists have published these results as well. They "pose" or "appear" as whatever they want in efforts to deceive man. For example, ghosts are these beings impersonating the dead. They are called different things amongst different cultures throughout the world. They exist in myth & lore since the dawn of man if you read a lot of history. All able to materialize & dematerialize wherever & whenever. It's why they can suddenly show up then disappear on radar
It's all about a grand deception, so I'm sorry to disappoint you. I was a big fan of alien movies myself, X-Files, etc. but now that I've read & figured out a lot about this subject over the past 20 years or so I've since changed my view completely. These are not MY opinions just to be clear, but the findings of actual field resarchers & scientists published in this field who were appointed by our president. Also, if you seen the film Close Encounters, the french scientist is who Spielberg based on Jacques Vallee for that movie. Vallee, however publicly stated he did not agree with that character's viewpoint as believing them to be aliens from another world. Please look this up for yourself. I highly recommend a documentary you can watch for free on youtube called "The Real Story Behind Aliens_ Ufos_ Demons_ Illuminati & Satanism". It's a real eye opener & ties into how this all connects into world politics & it's influence over man. See the link below to view that video. It will open you up to a lot of other really great speakers & researchers on the subjects.
I still LOVE sci-fi stuff, just nothing to do with aliens anymore because there is no such thing...again...not in the sense you think. Hope this was helpful because I hate to see good people being deceived.
1. Tattoos (& aliens) are SUPER cliche these days (especially bad tattoos). It's usually a decision people regret later in life.
2. It makes you appear as if you have identity crisis issues. Low self esteem or lack of creativity Especially, if it's something as misrepresentative as an "alien" on your skin (an alien? Really?). Think about it. You are becoming a human poster child or "ad campaign" for something YOU yourself can't even explain. Hopefully what I'll tell you below will help or at least give you some other perspective
I'm really not trying to insult you here & I'm not opposed to people getting tattoos. I'm trying to keep you from making a decision you will later regret. You seem like a really nice person & just remember you don't NEED tattoos to prove who you are & that you are some "hipster". Your identity is in your mind & in your heart. This is what I posted for someone else regarding the existence of aliens:
UFO's are real, but not in the sense you think. The 2 top most respected researchers in this field are J. Allen Hynek (American) & Jacques Vallee (French researcher). Hynek was appointed to head a government funded project back in the 1950's called project Bluebook during the height of the UFO phenomena @ this time. His findings after decades of research (along with Vallee) is that these beings have the ability to APPEAR to be physical, materialize & dematerialize when they want which is why their abilities "appear" to defy properties of physics & can travel at unbelievable speeds. Their conclusions are that these beings are 'interdimensional' or 'demonic' (No, they are or WERE not Christians when they published their findings either) & that they are NOT friendly beings because they pose as something they are not & they never make contact or confirm their intentions which is something always indicative of a deceptive nature
They also conclude that there is no proof they actually come from outer space, but rather fall in line with the same phenomena of spirits, ghosts, demons, etc. The reason for this is because "alien abductees" experience & exhibit the same symptoms & behavior as a person that is "demonically possessed". It's the same phenomena when an abductee is studied under deep hypnosis. Many psychologists have published these results as well. They "pose" or "appear" as whatever they want in efforts to deceive man. For example, ghosts are these beings impersonating the dead. They are called different things amongst different cultures throughout the world. They exist in myth & lore since the dawn of man if you read a lot of history. All able to materialize & dematerialize wherever & whenever. It's why they can suddenly show up then disappear on radar
It's all about a grand deception, so I'm sorry to disappoint you. I was a big fan of alien movies myself, X-Files, etc. but now that I've read & figured out a lot about this subject over the past 20 years or so I've since changed my view completely. These are not MY opinions just to be clear, but the findings of actual field resarchers & scientists published in this field who were appointed by our president. Also, if you seen the film Close Encounters, the french scientist is who Spielberg based on Jacques Vallee for that movie. Vallee, however publicly stated he did not agree with that character's viewpoint as believing them to be aliens from another world. Please look this up for yourself. I highly recommend a documentary you can watch for free on youtube called "The Real Story Behind Aliens_ Ufos_ Demons_ Illuminati & Satanism". It's a real eye opener & ties into how this all connects into world politics & it's influence over man. See the link below to view that video. It will open you up to a lot of other really great speakers & researchers on the subjects.
I still LOVE sci-fi stuff, just nothing to do with aliens anymore because there is no such thing...again...not in the sense you think. Hope this was helpful because I hate to see good people being deceived.
Feminine elephant tattoos?

I really love elephants. I think they are beautiful animals, and I'd like to get a tattoo on my leg/ankle. I've seen lots of lovely elephant tattoos on men but that's not really what I'm looking for. Plus, they generally look angry. I've also seen lots of cartoon type elephants on girls, but I want to avoid that too.
Does anyone have any links to realistic, but not so manly elephant tattoos?
Daisy: Cute. I don't know how I didn't find it.
Dylan: There aren't any links : (
here are a few, I found intricate details (first 2) make them more feminine, but also being realistic and classic (3rd) or realistic and classic but more playful (4th) are also quite nice
here are a few, I found intricate details (first 2) make them more feminine, but also being realistic and classic (3rd) or realistic and classic but more playful (4th) are also quite nice
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