Friday, August 2, 2013

How badly would it hurt to get a tattoo on my forearm?

tattoos for girls inside of arm on Skull Arm Tattoo - - Tattoo DE
tattoos for girls inside of arm image


right below the inside of my elbows, I want to get my mother's name and birth/death date and on the other I want my fathers. but I have a low tolerance for pain. My arms aren't super skinny, they're just normal. I have to push down pretty hard with my finger to feel the bone. How bad would it hurt?

Well you have a lot of nerves, tendons, and of course your bone. So... it will definitely be one of the more painful spots. You'll probably feel a tingling and tenderness all up and down your arm.

But honestly... it just depends how much of a girl you are! haha kidding man!

What do you think of a leopard print tattoo?


I am going in to get a tattoo after Christmas, I have this obsession with leopard print since it's so exotic. I was wondering what you thought about how it would look. It would be on my left shoulder down to mid upper arm. Should it just be black or with color too? Please help<3

*if you post any links to pictures i can only see them if the link is from photobucket and tiny pic for some reason, so post it from there. thankyou.

I think in moderation is looks very pretty. From the shoulder to mid upper arm would be the perfect size. And I would say adding the color, it might look a little weird with just black. Maybe with the color inside the black ring of the spots? Like Erica from the Bad Girls Club. Look her up.

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Thursday, August 1, 2013

How bad do tattoos behind the ear hurt?

tattoos for girls for lower back on Designs for girls | Tattoo Designs Live, A Tattoo Design Portal for ...
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How bad do tattoos behind your ear hurt? Also, what are some cute tattoos for girls on your wrist, side, hip, or lower back. Give me some ideas please:)

Its going to be pretty painful your skin is thinner there and right on a bone.

What is the sexiest place to get a tattoo for girls?


Designing a tattoo as a christmas present to myself. Not sure where to put it exactly. What would guys consider the sexiest place for a tattoo on chicks?

ewww lower back is so trashy get one on your front shoulder blade

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What are 20 questions I can ask the girl I'm dating to promote a deeper level of disclosure?

3 word tattoos for girls on Tattoos Half Sleeves Ideas Girls
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Shaun M

I have been dating a girl for the past 2 months, I am looking to start getting into a deeper level of self disclosure with her. In my mind it seems easy but when i try and think of questions to ask to start deeper conversations I get hung up. Does anyone have any ideas on 10 to 20 questions I can ask? Seeing them in written form might help jump start my mind! thanks

Random Questions to ask a Girl,Your Girlfriend
What were you like when you were a kid?
When was the first time that you had beer?
What happened?
If you had a billion dollars, what would you do with it?
What would your dream house be like?
If you could change something about yourself, what would it be & why?
Whereâs Waldo?
Do you dream often?
Describe your fighting style: drunken master or angry monkey?
What last made you laugh?
Spontaneity or stability?
Do you like kids?
If you wrote a journal entry about our last date, what would it say?
Which do you prefer giving or receiving?
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
What turns you off?
What is your favorite curse word?
What sound or noise do you love?

Interesting Questions to ask Your Girlfriend or any Girl
What is your full name?
When is your birthday?
Who do you live with?
What do you do for school and work?
What music do you listen to the most?
Do you like to read? If so...favorite book(s)?
Name your 3 closest friends. Which one is your very best friend?
How often do you really "go out"?
Have you ever lost anyone you loved?
Ever been in true love?
On a scale of 1-5 how organized are you?
Do you excercise regularly? If so, how often?
What is your zodiac sign?
Have any nick names? If so, what?
Name a couple of T.V. shows you watch a lot?

Good First Date Questions to ask Girls, Your Girlfriends
Name a movie or movies you can watch over and over?
Do you have tattoos? If yes, how many and where are they?
Any piercings? If yes, how many and where are they?
Do you have siblings? If so, how many?
Are your parents still together?
What is/was your worst subject in school?
Do you currently play any sports? If so, what?
Do you like to dance?
Name your 2 favorite colors and why?
Do people tell you that you act older, younger, or your age?
Ever had an imaginary friend as a child?
Ever been skinny dipping?
Did/Do you enjoy highschool for the most part?
Do any drugs? If yes, what?
Do you drink? If yes, how often?
Do you smoke? If yes, how much?
Ever been in a physical fight? If yes how many and who were they with?
Have you ever cheated in a relationship?

Questions to ask a Girl or Girls on First Dates
What's your definition of cheating?
Do you wear pajamas to places other than at your house?
Have you ever stolen anything from a store or from someone?
Ever cheated on a test?
Ever been in any legal trouble?
Do you regret anything?
Name 5 of the most important things in your life?
How many languages can you speak and what are they?
Are you a touchy feely person?
Do you take showers in the morning or at night more?
Do you trust easily?
Do you have any phobias?
Are you a heavy or light sleeper?
Are you a morning person?
Ever had surgery? If yes, for what reason?
Ever come close to death?
Ever broken any bones?
When you die, would you rather be burried or cremated?
Do you play any instruments? If so, what?
Have you been told you can sing well more than once?
3 physical features you get complimented on a lot?
Name your least favorite feature?
Name the clothing store you shop at the most?

Personal Questions to ask a Girl or Girls
What is your religion or do you not really have one?
Ever been cheated on?
Ever had a one night stand? If so, how many and do you regret any of them?
Current friend that you have known the longest?
Name someone you can tell just about anything to?
Where were you born?
Do any of your close friends have children?
Are any of them married?
Have you ever taken any anti-depressants or anxiety medication?
Ever seen a therapist?
Did/do you transfer schools a lot?
Favorite animal to have as a pet?
How many floors does your home have?
How many bedrooms and bathrooms?
Do you live in a neighborhood or in the middle of nowhere?

Im making a custom fairy tale for my wife and daughters, where do i start?

stephen in

I travel alot and for christmas this year i purchases a handmade journal from Turkey. Its leather and has jewels on the outside with a metal clasp to close it. Its very pretty and kind of reminds me of books you see in fairy tales or medieval movies so i wanted to make a "Fairy tale." Im going to tell the story of how my wife and i met and had our two girls in a fairy tale format/ fashion. Ill use our own pictures from high school, movie ticket stubs, pictures when they were born, etc. but everything thats said will be like a fairy tale. i know my girls will love it, including my wife, but this is proving to be ALOT harder than i anticipated. I dont wanna get fonts form the internet and glue them in this thing, i wanna actually be able to put them in there myself but ill need stencils and such for the letters and any pictures (i.e. castles, flowers on vines, etc.) but i cant find any website that can help. we live in japan so going to stores for stuff like this is really out of the question. i know this is a very unusual thing to do but does anyone have any suggestions? Are there any websites that i can print old fashion stencils off of? where can i find artworks that will help? im willing to draw with pencil then fill it all in later but where do i look for examples? my wife is the really artistic one. i can play music but i cant draw to save my life. Thanks for the help.

Hi first of all let me just say this is such a great idea to do for your family :) Not all fathers would find the time or take an extra effort to do something like this. I'm sure your wife and kids will be very happy :)

Create your story, know how many words you will be using, will your two daughters last long reading 2,000 word story?

Know how many pages your journal has.

Know how many words will fit in a single page or spread. 3 sentences per page? 2 paragraphs a spread?

Letter/ writing/ font size? How many words will occupy the page?

Drawing reference? Since this will be DIY do you have a specific illustration type that you want to follow?

Using images and cut outs. There are pictures from magazines and comic books like for example on a page you went to buy ice cream. You can look for images on a magazine that has a smiling sun in it, or a purple tree, or images of a crowd in the back ground. You can also resort to stickers :D or glitter tattoos your girls will love it (problem is it will make the pages stickier)

Background, if you went on just sticking random photos and images or cut outs on your pages you'd notice that the background would feel empty and repetitive same old page like the other pages. I suggest you look for pattern references online, example a polka dot pattern on a page where you visited your aunt's house.

Bulk. I have a visual journal that I draw and write on everyday, and there were times when I'd have to tear off some things I've posted like an origami a friend made, because it was too bulky and it ruined the whole notebook because I couldn't close it, or every time I'd open my notebook it would be the first page I'd be opening, it just ruined it. Don't make the same mistake I did, the worst is that you'd have to tear of a page. :|

I hope you have fun with this :D I keep a visual journal myself and it's fun reminiscing good memories. :)

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What is it about tattooed men that some girls love?

tattoos for girls love on Name of The Tattoo : Bio Organic Skull Tattoo
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the kangar

Obviously some girls like guys with tattoos and some do not. My question is for girls who like tattooed men. What is it about these men that you find attractive?? For example is it the art itself?? The fact that guys with tats can tolerate pain?? I've asked some of my friend's gf's and I can never get a straight answer and I'm curious.

it shows a mans individuality and it shows that hes strong and its sexy and i like it but i like tats in general as i have lots of show how he is not conformed to societies standards and does what he wants it just has that bad boy persona feel that girls want and like...why do some guys like girls with tats? my fiance has lots of tats working on full like pretty things and tats are pretty they are an accessory for life and it is just nice to have and to see decorated bodies!

How to get over jealousy and insecurity?


I'm engaged. I love my fiancé deeply and he treats me better than anyone I've ever. There's one issue, and that's my insecurity. I feel like I'm ruining everything. I'm not generally an insecure person, it's because of things that happened.. But I need advice on how to get over them before I completely ruin things. He has apologized for everything, changed it all, and genuinely feels bad. These are the things that have happened, in no particular order.

1) he told me a story about cheating on his ex with her best friend. Months later, he made a sexual comment to MY best friend on Facebook.

2) until I finally blew up about it, he was always going on and on about what he liked in women.. None of which I had. Example - I've heard about how he has a thing for women in glasses about a billion times. I don't wear glasses. New Years Eve, I made myself into everything he says he wants (except tattoos).. And I got the biggest reaction out of me. He talked about how beautiful i was, he was all over me all night. His contact picture for me on his phone is similar.. He claims it's the only picture I've sent him but I've sent him tons, but just one with glasses, my hair up, etc.

3) once, he blatantly checked out tattooed girls online in front of me. Verbally judging each one as hot or not. He has apologized for doing it.

4) this is the big one. There was another girl in the picture, and I kinda consider what he was doing as an emotional affair. He was texting her first thing in the morning and last thing at night every single morning and saying he had promised her he would. He initially tried to hide the nature of his relationship with her.. But it finally came out that he had a thing for her for a super long time. And when he was telling me about it, it was clear he still did. My thought about it was that I was being put second. Why wouldnt he want to talk to ME first and last? tHe also blatantly refused to make me the same promise

I want to get over this. :(

This is a good opportunity to try a threesome with your fiancee and the girl in the picture. Threesomes are a great way to sort out your feelings.

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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What are some tattoo idea? for girls smallish?

star tattoo designs for girls neck on tattoo designs for men nautical star tattoo jpg
star tattoo designs for girls neck image


okay so i kinda of want it on the back of my neck i either want a nice quote or a design, maybe flowers or stars, can some one give me some ideas plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
& what are some places where the tattoo will hurt less?

i don't think you should get anything horribly cliche just because you think it's cool. because that's stupid and lame.
get something with meaning to YOU, not other people. not because its cute.

get it in a place you want, not a place that won't hurt. its not that bad, really. i have my ribs and feet done, which are considered the most painful, but i sucked it up and got over it cuz i wanted it there.

i think whatever you get, get it in a place u can not the back of ur neck.

Trying to find a nice tattoo for my girlfriend, her twin, and her sister to get....?


They want something to show they all love each other. Like decorative stars or hearts in the own favorite colors. Any ideas?
They also want it on the back of their necks

Stars and hearts remind me of a college girl getting her first tattoo...but not really sure what she wants to get. I'm sure there are people that have really great reasons for them...and that's great.

I would think more along the line of...a favorite or meaningful saying that the girls share...could still be on the back of the neck, would be more unique.

Or have something made that has a piece of all three of them in it, the best way to do that would be to talk to the tat artist and have them help to design it.

I have seen some tats for multiple people use the same item, same place and change the coloring on each person...

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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What are the differences between these two movies?

tattoos for girls 2011 on pin up girl tattoo flash design and sailor pin up girl tattoo flash ...
tattoos for girls 2011 image

What are the differences between the 2009 version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo & the 2011 version? I looked up the info about them & they both just have different casting members. But, what's the use of making the same movie with the same title with the same plotting & summary but a 2 year time difference? Can someone please explain to me the difference between these two?

I found them different. The 2011 film didn't even feel like a remake, it felt like a different interpretation of the book. The biggest difference was Lisbeth. The new one was closer to the book with her. She was described as pale and anorexic looking, while the Swedish film made her all manly, something I did not get. Rooney as Lisbeth was much more intriguing, in my opinion. I liked it better. The language is different too, lol.

What was she doing at the final scene of the girl with the dragon tattoo?


2011 USA version
Why was she in Zurich, Switzerland?
No, I mean, what was she doing in Zurich?
Why was she going through all these accounts, etc

She was converting all of Wennerstrom's funds into bonds which she took for herself, making it appear as if he has emptied his accounts and taken it all for himself. His criminal associates are none too pleased and, in a matter of days, news breaks that Wennerstrom has been found dead.

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How to write Boy Girl Son and Daughter in Arabic?

tattoo designs for girls wrist on Jessica Alba has a Sanskrit character for lotus flower on her wrist.
tattoo designs for girls wrist image


I want to get a tattoo on each of my wrists and I want the word Son on the left wrists and the word daughter on the right. OR I want the word Boy on the left wrist and the word Girl on the right wrist. I want this to be written in Arabic can someone give me a website with these words written so I can have my tattoo artist design something.

boy = ÙÙد
son = ابÙ
girl = Ùتاة
daughter = ابÙØ©

Would I get denied for getting a job in my major because a wrist tattoo?


I am currently majoring in graphic design and so far I only have one tattoo on my chest, but I found a tattoo design that i really would like but it goes around the wrist and partially on the back of the hand. I want to choose my tattoos wisely but I wouldn't want them to jeopardize my chances of getting a good job. What do you think?

If you're going to work in creative jobs, no, I personally don't think your ink would count against you. Truth be told, a couple of years ago I hired a girl for an entry level design position, and she had a number of tattoos. Friends of mine also have both tattoos and awesome design jobs. Hell, I know people with visible tats who work in non-creative jobs too!

Just depends on the culture of the company. Find a laid back one and you should be ok.

Best of luck!

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What does it mean if you get a small star tattooed on your wrist?

tattoos for girls with stars on Back Neck Tattoos for Girls
tattoos for girls with stars image


People told me if girls get star tattoos tht it means their lesbian. I'm straight I just think its cute. And I told my boyfriend and he told me tht he doesnt think his parents would lik tht. But I have a tongue, lip and belly button peircing and he said they won't care. So how is tht bad? Helppppp! ;o

It means you got a small star tattooed on your wrist :) there's nothing bad about it and if he thinks there is, he's probably the only one. I doubt his parents will even notice your tat.

On the off-chance that they do, you could tell them it means you liked the song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star as a child ;)

Are tattoos on girls classy or trashy?


I am thinking of getting a tattoo... So I was wondering if people think tattoos for girls are trashy or classy? And where are the best spots to get them so they can be covered up?

It depends on the girl, the tattoo, your on preferences, and how it's worn. It really depends on the individual. I personally have a problem with poorly-done tattoos, and tattoos that everyone has-- like nautical stars, hearts, and cherries. Mine is being created by me, so it's unique :) Go for it-- just make sure you're gonna love that ink for a long time!

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Will getting this tattoo affect my chances of getting a job in the future?

tattoos for girls inside of arm on latest fashion of inner arm tattoos tattoo only
tattoos for girls inside of arm image

Sexy Sadie

The tattoo I want to get is "Let it be" kinda small on the inside of my wrist. I'm a freshman in college and I'm thinking of getting this tattoo when I graduate in about 5 and a half years as sort of a celebration. I plan on becoming a pharmacist. Would this affect me being able to get a job? I thought maybe if I got I could hide it with long sleeves or bracelets or maybe even cover up. Would this work or is there someplace else I could get it?

I go to a small local college that teaches Med Assistants & Med Coders and they told us that if we have a tattoo that is visible (such as the wrist, arm or neck) that we HAVE to cover it up with a band-aid, or long sleeves every day that we come into work (and during the clinical classes).

They said that people try to cover it up with jewelry but most of the time, dress codes require only certain earrings, necklaces, and only a wedding ring on the hands. My teacher said "in other words... jewelry like a nun would wear."

But I know some girls that always have to wear a watch over the tattoo (instead of a permanent bandage on their wrist), and they said no one has noticed.

How badly would it hurt to get a tattoo on my forearm?


right below the inside of my elbows, I want to get my mother's name and birth/death date and on the other I want my fathers. but I have a low tolerance for pain. My arms aren't super skinny, they're just normal. I have to push down pretty hard with my finger to feel the bone. How bad would it hurt?

Well you have a lot of nerves, tendons, and of course your bone. So... it will definitely be one of the more painful spots. You'll probably feel a tingling and tenderness all up and down your arm.

But honestly... it just depends how much of a girl you are! haha kidding man!

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Monday, July 29, 2013

Any tattoo ideas for a half Leo, half Virgo like myself?

tattoos ideas for virgo on yellow rose tattoo chest script tattoo designs arm sleeve tattoo red ...
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I was born on the cusp of two astrological signs and it is very reflective of my personality. I would like to get a tattoo that relates to this. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
Birthday is August 23, 1982

Why don't you give me your date of birth and I'll see what personal planets you have (they're as important as sun sign), and maybe something will strike me/you for a brilliant idea incorporating your sun cusp.

What is a good website that has small Virgo symbol tattoo's on it? I need some ideas for a tattoo.?


I really want a small virgo symbol tattoo with some nautical stars on it also. I need some picutes though.

Here is a link. I use this site a lot.,color&s=small,medium,large&r=12&m=

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How will it affect the tattoo?

tattoos designs for baby girls on Cherub Tattoos | Latest Fashion of Tattoos Jeans Levis Jeans shoes ...
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krystal b

I'm five foot ten inches tall and a size 16 in women's pants. I wish to get a tattoo covering about 85-90% of my back. If I were to lose weight, or have a child, how would that affect the tattoo? It will be a very detailed tattoo. Will it shrink if I lost some weight and will a pregnancy mess it up? Thanks for your time and help.
264357143 is love- I can still donate blood with a tattoo, I'll just have to wait six months to a year in between. Plus in Revalations it states that Jesus comes back with "King of Kings, Lord of Lords" on his thigh.

The only way it will shrink is if you shrink. You're a 16, not a big girl hun. When I think of tattoos becoming distorted by losing weight or gaining weight, I think of losing or gaining hundreds of pounds. Tattoos won't shrink, but, they can look funny in skin folds of large people who lose large amounts of weight. Don't worry about it, a size 16 isn't large. Having a child, that may affect your tattoo more than losing weight. When you have a baby you develop stretch marks, which can appear in the design of the tattoo, and cause the skin to look thinner, which makes the tattoo look like it has faded or lost color. Your back though, I wouldn't worry so much about the weight gain in the back as I would about the belly area. You'll be fine, go ahead and get the tattoo, and enjoy every second of it!!! That's a large commitment, and it will change your life! I say for the better, so for for it!!!

What kind of tattoo can I get for my daughter?


I am getting a tattoo on Saturday and I wanted to get something for my lil girl. I don't wanna get her face or anything, just something simple but meaningful.

You could get something that reminds you of her? Depending on her age you could get her favorite flower as a tattoo with her initials/name? Or her handprints either current or from when she was a baby. If you do the handprints you could form them like a heart kinda like:

Or any of these type designs:,%22maps%22:%7B%22tag%22:%22handprint%22,%22choices%22:%5B%221_53164%22%5D,%22language%22:4%7D%7D

Another idea is lyrics to a song that is meaningful and reminds you of her?

Her favorite nursery rhyme lyrics illustrated.

Or even a well drawn stick figure family with you and your daughter and possibly your partner?

Hope this helped!

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Sunday, July 28, 2013

What would be some sick lower belly tattoos for a dude?

tattoo ideas for girls love on If you are a fan of tattoos, keep tuned, more of these are coming soon ...
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im getting one. i want a crazy one. that all the girls would love.

if not that.
maybe a mad crazy sleeve. or the back of the neck. a baracode or something.

but give me some ideas about the lower belly one!!!

somthig that is the truth, like only god can judge me... thats common but ya get a good quote somthing that has to do with your life

What would you think of this tattoo idea?


I am wanting to get a cover up tattoo and have to decide on what I want to get. I am thinking of getting a half sleeve Hawaiian theme tattoo. I have a hula girl tattoo on my back and thought that they would go well together (sticking with one theme on my body). The half sleeve tattoo would consist of a mix of flowers, palm trees, tiki, fish, etc.

I lived in the Hawaiian islands (Maui) and am in love with the state. I will eventually be moving to Honolulu soon and living there. The tattoo would mean something to me I can keep with forever. Opinions appreciated!

it is a good idea, the design is great amnd must be very beautiful, you can tattoo it just like you want[. good luck to you!

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do you think that this might come off as offensive/upsetting to some people ???

tattoos for girls rosary beads on Rosary beads and praying hands Tattoo. Tattooed by Ray at The Tattoo ...
tattoos for girls rosary beads image


ok so im thinking about getting a tattoo of the Indian Elephant God -Ganesha
im still researching on it like the meaning of it /what it represents , why people worship it etc...
im not Hindu im Catholic and some people in the tattoo section of YA told me that this might upset and offend some people that are Hindu that i just got it cause it looks cool
ok so these are the pictures that i really like
i would want it between my shoulder blades or on my upper arm

i already have a tattoo that i got 2 weeks ago its a huge phoenix which took a total of 9 hours to get done and i paid about 900$ for it
and its on my leg \
now do you think that this might come off as offensive to the Indian and Hindu people ???
i mean i see people getting crosses and girls getting rosary beads on their feet which may not actually mean anything ot them
and if i decide to get this one i will wait maybe like after i get my GED and go to college( i will get my GED in Dec. or Jan. and i will start college probably next year) right now im broke i spent all my savings on that tattoo

ohh and this is gorgeous

Well Ganesh is the god of luck so that would be like a good luck symbol.

Some people would get really upset though, I know this one person didn't vote for Obama just because one of his good luck charms was this little Hindu Monkey God thing that was given to him when he first became a politician. Some people just get really pissed off when there is anything insinuating that their god is not the only one.

TEENS: do you think that this might come off as offensive to some people ?


ok so im thinking about getting a tattoo of the Indian Elephant God -Ganesha
im still researching on it like the meaning of it /what it represents , why people worship it etc...
im not Hindu im Catholic and some people in the tattoo section of YA told me that this might upset and offend some people that are Hindu that i just got it cause it looks cool
ok so these are the pictures that i really like:

i would want it between my shoulder blades or on my upper arm

i already have a tattoo that i got 2 weeks ago its a huge phoenix which took a total of 9 hours to get done and i paid about 900$ for it
and its on my leg \
now do you think that this might come off as offensive to the Indian and Hindu people ???
i mean i see people getting crosses and girls getting rosary beads on their feet which may not actually mean anything ot them
and if i decide to get this one i will wait maybe like after i get my GED and go to college( i will get my GED in Dec. or Jan. and i will start college probably next year) right now im broke i spent all my savings on that tattoo
this is beautiful as well :
yea like church is one of the most important things for me
i dont go to church thats the last thing that i wanna do spend my time in church

well if u go church the pope or hu ever isincharge may find it weird and asif ur turnin away from christianity but hindu peopl emost wont find it offensive because its a picture of their god and they dont mind they wuold be happy to see a pictur of their god on sumones arm :)
also if ppl ask say the reall reason - u fink it looks good
also the god ganesh imeans the remover of obsticles
hope i helped
help me pls

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What's a good tattoo for a girl that's small and not a stereotypically feminine?

tattoo designs for girls pretty on Hawaiian Tribal Tattoo Designs | Cool Tribal Tattoo
tattoo designs for girls pretty image


I'm 20 and have been thinking about getting a small tattoo somewhere on my back or calf. However, I don't really want a butterfly or flowers or a typically "feminine" tattoos. My tastes tend towards the off-kilter, literary, or esoteric. Any suggestions? Pictures would be appreciated

i'm twenty too and have been searching for a meaningfull and unique tattoo. i suggest you get a tattoo of cherry blossoms.

yes, they are feminine being flowers, but i discovered that they are japan's national flower symbol. it's called sakura in japan and appear in spring but die shortly after its blossoms show. it represent the transiency of life- that like the sakura, "life is beautiful, but fleeting."

it may be pretty but still tough especially when you get to know it's meaning. personally, this is what i'll be getting for myself. below is a website you can search for great tattoo art and designs. use the keywords "cherry blossom tattoo" "sakura" to get see pics of a tattoo.

What do women and men think about really pretty girls with tattoos? How does it make them look?


What do you think of really pretty girls with a tattoo, not tons. just 1?

like on her back (not a tramp stamp), ankle, shoulder etc. not in places that are easily seen, nothing bigger than a hand?

What is the difference between a "really pretty girl" with tattoos and an appearantly not so pretty girl with tattoos? It's still just a tattoo on a woman. Size, gender, amount and design with obviously offensive intention aside: it makes no difference. She is still who she is, just with a tattoo. I have two tattoos and most people wouldn't expect it from me in a million years. Mine are hidden 99% of the time (along my spine and ankle) so when they are seen I get mixed reactions but really don't care what anyone else thinks because they are for me and me only. Even the horribly nicknamed tramp stamp doesn't change a girl, it's just a tattoo and only makes the stereo types live longer.

-Reading back through, my answer could be taken as pissy but it's not meant to be. Just making a case that there is no reason why anyone should care if a girl has a tattoo.

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What type of flower design would go great on a girls shoulder?

tattoo ideas for girls shoulder on Go Forward from Maori Tribal Tattoos to Scorpio Symbol Tribal Tattoos
tattoo ideas for girls shoulder image


I'm going to get "inked up" lol and I want some ideas for a beautiful shoulder tattoo for myself. Please send links to pics or just state your ideas.

<3 Rose

A rose, with a curved stem, thorns, and a reddish-pink head. If the stems were twisted among other flowers, either different or roses, it would be pretty too.

What tattoo would look good on the right shoulder?

Q. Ok it would help alot if you've seen the Bad Girls Club on Oxygen. There is a girl named Tiffany and she has a tattoo on the front of her right shoulder off to the side of the chest. I wanted to get a tattoo there as well so its not directly on the chest and I can cover it up easily.

What would be a good idea?

ur zodiac sign

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what is the youngest a girl should get a tattoo?

tattoo ideas for girls behind ear on Pictures Of Tattoos Behind The Ear For Girls
tattoo ideas for girls behind ear image


I'm 16 and my older guy friend(19) ,who i met at school, is paying for me to get a tattoo this summer. i passed the idea by my mom and she said that as long as i pay for it and it isn't vulgar ,she is fine with it. I'm either gonna get 2 feathers behind my ear or something written on my wrist.

am i too young to be getting a tattoo?

Like mother, like daughter I guess.

Your mom doesn't have the sense to say no to a 16 year old and you seem to be ready and willing to let some older guy dictate if you should get a tattoo. He wants you to get a tattoo because he finds them sexy and you're the willing sheep who's going to play into HIS fantasy, not yours.


Wheres the spot that hurts the less for a tattoo?

Kat Katast

Ok, I know that i'm only 15 but I'm getting a tattoo when i'm older. I want to know that spot that hurts the less. I want it on my back but I have heard that it hurts really bad there. So where is the least painful spot. I thought of getting on on the inside of my ear. What would be cool?

Any place that has a lot of bones (hands, feet, etc) are going to be painful. I have a tattoo on the back of my shoulder, and that didn't hurt much at all... more annoying than anything.

We all tolerate pain at different levels. I've got a fairly high tolerance, so maybe what I thought of as a slightly annoying scratching would have had someone else screaming. On the other hand, I have no idea how some people can get a tramp stamp... I'd be in so much pain because my lower back is ridiculously sensitive.

If it helps, what I did to consider a spot that I could tolerate for my first tattoo was to take my nails and rake them over the patch of skin in question. Put a good bit of pressure behind it, but you're obviously not out to draw blood. (I've got long nails, which helps, but you get the idea.) Personally, to me, what I felt wasn't much worse than repeatedly dragging my nails over my skin; my skin just felt a bit raw and irritated.

Just remember, this is permanent... you don't want to be flinching and messing up the artwork. Don't go by what other people say is easy; like I said, my should was easy for me, it may not be the right place for you. All those girls with tramp stamps? I'd be a whimpering puddle of pain on the floor. *lol*

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What is a good tattoo for a girl that represents all animals?

tattoos ideas for girls on the hip on Wrist Tattoos for Girls
tattoos ideas for girls on the hip image


I am trying to think of a tattoo that represents love for all animals...its so hard to find one.
I want it to be kind of girly and small for a hip tattoo.

Any ideas are welcome!?

more answers please people :)

go to this:
third one down that says "animal lover"

What are positives and negatives about getting a tattoo of hello kitty below my hip?

femme fata

i need help for a first tattoo idea!
a cute, girly, feminine tattoo.
not too big.

i like this picture.

she`s not going to hate herself for getting something not meaningful because it does mean something.
it means she feminine & likes hello kitty.
why do people try to prevent others from getting tattoos its not your body so shut up. sorry to be rude.
why shouldnt a girl have a girly tattoo?
its a good spot for that kind of tattoo i say go for it & love it & love yourself & your femininity thats what it can mean to you & hello kitty is innocent let it represent innocence & your girly side & the little kid that will always be inside you we are all a little childish @ times its not a bad thing necessarily THATS WHAT IT CAN MEAN TO HER
you want it for you, than go girl.

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