Thursday, October 3, 2013

Help with an art project, to portray my personality in a drawing or 3d piece?

cool tattoo designs for girls pictures on Feather Tattoo Designs For Girls: 3D Tattoo Design | Tattoo Design 3D
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Okay so I've just started art college this week, and we got a mini project to do for next week. Our tutor only gave us a very brief description of what we have to do so I'm a bit unsure how to go about it. Basically we can do a 2d or 3d piece, and its meant to portray our personality traits/hobbies in it. Personally I'm more comfortable with doing 2d pieces like drawings and stuff, but I really want to do something that will really stand out and give a good first impression. I'm the type of person who gets all these ideas in my head but then doesn't know how to go about doing them. Any help would be really appreciated so if anyone has any cool, creative ideas please help.

Description of me/my personality:

I'm really small, only 5ft0, get made fun of a lot (jokingly) over my height and have gotten a lot of nicknames because of it (Frodo, Pixie etc.) . I'm from Ireland. I have very pale skin, very blue eyes that I tend to get a lot of compliments on, and really long eyelashes. I have naturally a mousy brown hair colour, but have been dying it for the past 3 years bright blonde/white. I'm friendly, find it easy to make friends and talk to new people. I can be really hyper and quite crazy especially around people I know well. I have a really loud laugh, sounds more like a cackle half the time :P. I'm a bit odd really, I say really random things. I love criminal minds its probably one of my most favourite tv shows ever. I also like to read, I really like crime/thriller novels, and because of my love of crime novels/shows all my short stories in school were kind of dark and crime based also. I have a very unusual style and dress sense. Most of the time I wear all black, I don't know what it is I'm just more attracted to black clothes. I get called a goth a lot. I do like lacey materials in clothes, and I love skulls and tend to wear a lot of skull jewellery, or scarves/tops or anything I can find with skulls on them :P. I mainly always wear skinny jeans.leggings I don't like flared jeans, my jeans have to be super skinny and tight. I quite like working out , I'm more of a work out at home girl though. I love blogilates workouts and Jillian Michaels. I'm rarely seen not wearing doc martens.I get sunburnt really easily because of my fair skin. In college I'm studying Makeup design for stage and screen. I love doing makeup so much. I love watching tutorials on youtube or looking up makeup pictures for inspiration, and just experimenting with different makeup looks. I get asked to do my friends makeup for nights out a lot, but I never mind because its something I love to do. I wear lipstick a lot, mainly darker colours like red/burgundy/plum colours. I love tattoos I only have two at the moment because I don't have the money for any more yet but I would love to get quite a few. I think all art forms are amazing, and I do count tattooing as an art form despite what anyone else thinks. I love tea! And I always have to have a lot of sugar in it, I'm a bit addicted to sugar I think, and caffeine. Seriously I get so hyper after like drinking coffee, or eating skittles or drinking coca cola. I love cats, and my kitty Arthur is like my little baby. I smoke, and I do drink, mainly vodka. I get pretty annoyed when people call me cute, like I can't do anything without it being cute or something! Just because I'm small.. I like writing (short stories/songs) but kind of haven't done it in a lot time and would love to get back into it once i'm settled into college. I love animals, and used to want to be a vet when I was younger. Even when I was like 7/8 and we had reading time and could get any book we wanted from the shelf to read, I'd get the big encyclopedias and go to the animal sections and read about them hahaha. I love fairytales, especially the older/original versions like Grimms Fairytales and Hans Christian Andersons. I find them really fascinating. I like music, and I like to sing. I've been told I have a good voice by many people but not many people get to hear it because I'm terrified of singing in front of anyone. I like modern day/chart music but I have quite a mixed music taste and also listen to the likes of the Beatles, the Ramones, AC/DC etc.. I love going to the cinema, and I love going to see horror movies. I always do this thing where I cover one of my eyes when I get scared watching a movie, I have no idea why because its not like it helps at all :L. Okay I'm so sorry I ranted there jsut wanted to really give people a good look into my personality and hope they can get some ideas from it.

Nicknakes: Blondie, Frodo, Becka, Becks, Pixie, Smurfette.

-useless answer passing by-
I'm pretty sure getting through art college using yahoo answers is the best choice.

What are your opinion on trendy tattoos?

Kitten Mit

They're ridiculous ..
Don't get me wrong tattoos are amazing, but trendy ones aren't. Because its TRENDY, trends DON'T last. They're trends. So what's "in" right now are infinity tatoos, feather tattoos (mostly feathers with birds flying out of them with some unrelated word like "dream" or "breath") and anchor I see them EVERYWHERE! And its stupid.

I mean most girls just go on Tumblr, see a picture of someone with a feather tattoo with birds flying out of it, it has a bunch of reblogs so they think "I have to get that I'll be so cool!!!" So they get it. But what happens when the trend dies and people start making fun of it? Its already happening they're deamed as "white girl tattoos". So what happens when you decide you are over it? Too bad you're stuck with it your entire life.

If you're gonna get a tat you should make sure it represents you and your spirit, not some 2013 Tumblr fad. It should reflect YOU.


I understand what you mean but bare in mind that the tattoos on there are just pictures taken. How do you know what that tattoo meant to that person? I wanted an anchor tattooed to my ankle. Does that mean i'm following a trend? no because to me is represented staying grounded and being true to yourself. Birds coming from a feather can mean different things to different people such as freedom or change. I understand that some people do sit and think thats pretty i'll get that cause everyone else does... but some tattoo designs can inspire a lot of different people. Don't be so quick to judge.

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