Friday, March 14, 2014

how much does a lower back tattoo hurt?


hi im a 19 year old girl and im thinking about getting a lower back tattoo. not too big cuz it's my first and i;m really scared of getting one. just a little heart tattoo. about twice the size of a quarter? how much does it really hurt and i heard that if women get a lower back tattoo then they will be unable to get an epidural. is that really true?

You ask how much a lower back tattoo will hurt. If you make that big mistake and you get one, you will experience a lot of pain and you will bleed. You will not be in a hospital or operating room, and there is a chance you will catch some vile blood-born disease like hepatitis or flesh eating bacteria. Your wound may become infected. The so-called "tattoo artist" may make a mistake and you will be stuck with the results. I strongly recommend you reconsider getting tattooed. Your body is clean now, and not profaned by any graffiti, but that will change forever if you pay some tattoo predator to ruin your body. Just don't do it is my advice to you! You have lasted this long without tattoo, do not cave to the pressure from lesser people or a sick society and take that fatal step. Everything will change for you, for the worse, after you get that first tattoo.. Let me tell you why I am so anti-tattoo and so anxious that you not take this ugly step. The true cost of a tattoo is a lifetime of regret. There is an 80% chance you will regret it in your lifetime. Many people will look at you with disgust, for tattoos are offensive to many, many people. Your chances of getting a good job will be greatly diminishedâmost companies will not hire you since your tattoo will be seen as offensive to other workers. There is nothing good about a tattoo. A tattoo is little better than a cartoonâyou canât get a good quality drawing on the human skin. Tattoos are an urban blight. They are ugly, like graffiti. Like graffiti, they lower the quality of the environment. Tattoos lower the quality of life, for everyone who has to see their ugliness. I donât like the whole concept of tattooing, the way these hideous cartoons are inked into the flesh of people through bloodletting and pain; to me they are a dark and evil art. Tattoos are closely linked to other forms of self harm, like cutting, piercing, drug use, etc.; they are hand-in-glove with these destructive behaviors. I donât like the way evil people encourage our vulnerable children to get tattooed, so they can make money off of them. They do not care that they are causing harm. And yet, these evil ones, these tattoo predators, are even admired by their deceived victims. Young people are fooled into wanting tattoos by degenerate Hollywood and the media. Kids think tattoos are cool and cutting edge, but over time, they wind up hating their tattoos. Far worse, they wind up hating themselves. Parents and older people are so afraid of being disliked that they say nothing against tattoos, even though they know better. Worse, some completely abandon their responsibility to provide sound guidance and even encourage the young ones to get tattooed. As far as tattoos being âartâ, that is garbage. A tattoo is NOT "a work of art". The human body is not a canvas and the abusers and mutilators who desecrate it are not artists. Most of their so called "art" is little better than comic book drawings. . More and more young people are buying into this Hollywood lie that tattoos are a cutting edge way to âexpressâ yourself. But that is so not true. You should express yourself with your words and actions, not by inking graffiti onto your living flesh. I have no tattoos. I hate tattoos and those who inflict them upon our young people. Do not listen to the many predators and enablers here, who encourage young people to abandon decency and live self indulgent and destructive lives. Young peopleâdo not get tattooed. Stay in school, do your best there, avoid drinking, drugs, tattoos and piercings, and avoid those who have them. Go to college, study science, mathematics, or business, and avoid liberal arts (unless you are wealthy and donât need to make a living). God bless you in your life.

What are some popular tattoo ideas for girls?


Ex - Hearts, Stars.

But the way its designed

The best tattoo idea for a girl is to stay far, far away from tattoos and those who have them. Any tattoo is a vulgar attack on the decency of man. And yet, more and more young people are buying into the Hollywood poison that tattoos are cool ways to âexpressâ yourself. But it is not true. You should express yourself with your words and actions, not by inking graffiti onto your living flesh. The message you will actually convey with a tattoo is âI am foolishâ, âI am unemployableâ âI make bad decisionsâ âI am a gullible robot that will do whatever I see on TVâ. I suggest you do not get a tattoo. A tattoo is a permanent cartoon-like drawing that will permanently your body like ugly graffiti defaces a public building. There is an 80% chance you will regret it, especially when you start to notice how regular, normal people react to you. They will look at you with disgust and pity, and over time, it will really get to you. Nothing illustrates the degeneration of western culture more than blind youth permanently disfiguring themselves over some warped idea of âexpressionâ Tattoos are permanent. You can not take them back.

âAll it takes for Evil to prevail in this world is for good men to do nothingâ. Edmund Burke

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