Monday, August 12, 2013

Would this be aspirate for a 10 or 12 year old girl ?

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Would it be aspirate for a 10 or 12 year old girl to get her name tattooed on her body.

Would it be appropriate for a girl the same age to get a memorial tattoo on her body of a family member that died?

10-12 year old should not be getting tattoos...too permanent! I cant even imagine the stupid crap I would have tattooed on me if I started at 10. I think I would end up with N*SYNC on my back or something ha ha. No even if its a tattoo with a lot of meaning, wait. She should be working on designing the cool tattoo she'll get for her 18th birthday :)

I need a tattoo idea for a MC?


I was 5 months pregnant and lost a baby girl in December and a baby boy in January, I want to do something in memory of my babies, I already have 3 tattoos, a four leaf clover on my left ankle, the word strength down my left side with cherry blossoms, and love/hope on my right arm. I would like something to include in my existing tattoos if possible.
I don't mind getting a sep. tattoo, I kinda wanted to but hadn't made up my mide yet. I had no idea they had pregnancy loss ribbons but thank you guys for being so sweet and kind, it was hard losing the twins again, we didn't have names for them we just called them Baby Mills. we didn't want to know what they were and we were so torn up and we hadn't decided on a boy's name but we had a girls name and go figure one was a girl and one was a boy. Again thank you guys for being so thoughtful.

Oh bless you, I'm so sorry for your losses. Sending a big cyber-hug your way!

I can't really advise you how to add on to your existing tattoos without seeing them. But personally, I would have something seperate - presumably the meanings of your three existing tattoos are luck, love and hope, and strength - and I would see this memorial as having an entirely different meaning, so be more inclined to have an individual tattoo?

It's your choice obviously. I'll give you my ideas for an individual design, but if you are really against that idea and upload some pictures of your existing tattoos, I could have a rethink.

Okay the individual ideas:

Have you seen the pregnancy loss ribbon? These are blue and pink so would work well for a boy and girl, and come in a variety of designs, one of which you could replicate, or take inspiration from:

An obvious idea would be angel wings. Not necessarily huge ones, you could even have tiny ones on your wrist, perhaps one tinged with pink and one tinged with blue, or both black. Or similarly, a pair of tiny footprints perhaps on your back, with angel wings.

I found this image which would look lovely on the lower/upper back -

You could also consider having a quote or a short poem, perhaps on your back again, or down an arm or a leg, or even on your foot. I've found some lovely examples, but they've even brought a tear to my eye so if this is too emotional for you skip down to the bit with the asterisks.
These mostly speak in the singular form but you could easily tweak to the plural:
- An angel in the book of life wrote down our baby's birth, and whispered as she closed the book, 'too beautiful for earth'.
- You're in every sun that rises, and every sun that sets, and I'll be with you soon enough lest you think I should forget.
- If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.
- From an angel's tear God made the stars... why can't he make me an unbreakable heart? My heart breaks without you here.
- As Long As I Live You Will Live
As Long As I Live You Will Be Remembered
As Long As I Live You Will Be Loved
- There is no foot so small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world
- I put your name in the sand.
but the waves washed it away.
I put your name on my hand.
but i washed it away the next day.
I put your name on paper.
but I accidentally threw it away.
I put your name in my heart and forever it will stay.
- Loved with a love beyond telling, missed with a grief beyond all tears.
- Gone yet not forgetten, although we are apart, your spirit lives within me, forever in my heart.


Other ideas... you could have a pair of cherubs holding hands.

Alternatively, if you want something small and subtle, a dragonfly. I know these are quite common tattoos, but my reason is this - recently I lost my mother, and the minister who held her funeral told me a story that was written for children to help them understand the concept of death. Although I'm 21, the story really touched me, and is something I will tell my son when he is old enough. That is the story of the waterbugs and the dragonflies. You can google it for the full version, but in brief - the waterbugs all live on the river bed, and every now and again one floats to the top and never returns. The waterbugs often wonder where these friends of these went, and why they never come back, and one day a waterbug suggests that the next time one of them goes to the surface, they will come back and tell them what it's like. Time passed, until one day the very waterbug that suggested this found himself rising to the surface of the water. To his surprise, he found himself on a lily pad, and stretched to find he had a beautiful pair of wings. He was a dragonfly. He flew into the air, enjoying the beauty of what was above the surface. Then he looked down and saw his friends on the surface of the pond. He remembered his promise and swooped to tell them what it was like. But, hitting the surface of the water, he realised he couldn't. He was upset that he couldn't reach his friends and family, but realised that one day they will all be dragonflies too, and then they will understand.

It's simple but a beautiful way of explaining it I think. I'm having a dragonfly tattoo this week. I already have a couple of tattoos for my mother now, and I'm getting something else on the same day for her, but I'm getting this just to remind me of that way of thinking every time I wonder where she is.

Really hope you find something. Best wishes. xx

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