Friday, December 27, 2013

Tattoo locations for women?

eagle tattoo design for girls on Symbolic Eagle Tattoo Designs | Tattoo Artist Ideas
eagle tattoo design for girls image


I want to get a tattoo of an eagle but I don't know where to get it. I am thinking either my lower back or my calf, but I know several people with very strong opinions about each location. Mostly that the lower back is for trampy girls and the calf is for lesbians. I am not either, but I am wondering if these are fairly common opinions. (The company I work for now is ok with tattoos that are not offensive and I wouldn't have a problem wearing pants to work if I change companies.) Any thoughts? Please don't respond if you are going to tell me not to get one at all. I get enough of that from my parents, and I have been thinking about this for several years and if you knew me and saw the design you would think it is a good fit. I respect your opinion but that is not answering my question which is the point of this.

If you care what those asshol'es think, you should not get a tat. A tattoo is not an Ambercrombie T-Shirt. (a fad) It is a life choice. If you want a lower BACK PIECE, go right ahead. A tattoo does not make you a lesbian either. It's just a tattoo. People talk about one place or another being "cliche" or "overdone." People get tats every day, every where on their bodies. If you name it, it gets tattooed, a lot. Good luck.

What tattoos did soliders get during W.W.2?


What designs were popular back then?
Somehow I have a hard time beliving that. If you are try to make a joke sorry it wasent funny.
ie like battalion symbols etc...

Pin-Ups they were horny buggers eh LOL
Cool I know a veten he has a pin-up and a anchor. Though they are now kinda faded.

The eagle sounds cool.
The bulldog with that hat is known as a "Devil Dog"

During the 1940's and 1950's "time marking" tattoos became very popular. The most popular war tattoo among war veterans was known as the "pledge" tattoo. The pledge tattoo consisted of their unit, military division and an American eagle. These tattoos represented the dedication of the soldiers.Also the now traditional rose & banner inscribed with a sweetheart's name, the pretty pin-up girl, sailing ships, or the simple inscription "Mom" became widely popular during this time. Sailor Jerry style tattoos were popular during that time as well. Type sailor jerry into google and you can see some vintage tattoo flash

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