Monday, September 16, 2013

What do you think about this tattoo spot?Is it still considered a tramp stamp?

tattoos for girls chinese symbols on number of celebrities got neck tattoos recently.
tattoos for girls chinese symbols image


I'm thinking about getting my chinese symbol that says love on the bottom - right part of my back(In the corner).Does that spot mean anything bad?
Do you think its a good spot to be able to hide later for formal events and show off when I want to?

nope (at least not how I've heard)

it does fit right in with the millions of other unoriginal "cute" things girls get there
chinese symbols have been done over, and over, and over (you get my point)

but assuming you're 18+ AND mature enough to have fully thought out this decision, why should you alter what you want to do because of what other people think?

Does anyone know the chinese symbol for cliche?


I would like to get the chinese symbol for cliche tattooed on me. What part of my body would more cliche to get it done: the ankle (like all the sorority girls) or the trampstamp (like all of the cougars)?

Since your question is obviously a joke, you might enjoy this story about a friend of a friend who got a chinese symbol tattoo: This person that i dont know got said tattoo. Then when an actual chinese person saw it, they questioned why he had gotten it. Then he found out that it really said, "I was raped by a large black woman".

How and why is all i ask???
TRUE STORY! (i think)

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