Saturday, April 5, 2014

im thinking about a zodiac (scorpio) tattoo on my inner wrist?


here's the inspiration:

i wouldn't get the flower designs along with it, just the "M" letter that would be small enough to fit on my left inner wrist. what do you think? is it too uncreative or a typical girl tattoo? is the wrist a good place to get it?

I would agree with you that zodiac symbols are "typical girl tattoos", but I also think they are awesome tattoos.
I also have a zodiac symbol on my inner wrist. It's the symbol for cancer and it's in blue and pink. It hurt a LOT! I have many tattoos and they all hurt but this one REALLY hurt.
I think you should go ahead and get it if you want it.

Do you have any tattoo designs or ideas?

Brittany h

OK so I am planning on getting a tattoo on my shoulder I know a basic idea of what I want, just wanted to know if you have any ideas how to make it unique, OK so it would be the infinity sign with the word dream in it. I saw one that has birds flying away from it, which I thought was cute but im not to found of the birds so if you have any ideas or suggestions it would be appreciated.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42768644,d.b2U&biw=1241&bih=577&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=kbcpUZK-IKu_2QXHy4HIBg#um=1&hl=en&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=infinity+dream+tattoo&oq=infinity+dream+tattoo&gs_l=img.3..0.422457.430349.3.430811.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=f977e98c04dc13d6&biw=1241&bih=577&

Hey doll , welp not to put your tattoo down but i have seen millions of girls with that tattoo already so i understand why you want to make it unique . How about you find a tattoo that actually has some meaning to you ? Something symbolic . For example my mothers favorite flowers are orchids , so i want to get orchids tattooed on me . If the infinity tattoo with the word dream in it has a meaning for you or significance then awsome ! If not , then awesome too , i just think it would be better if it had meaning . You want something you won't regret when your 80 years old ! How about you get something like " keep on dreaming " in beautiful cursive on your upper shoulder with some butterflies flying away from it instead of birds. I dont know if you know about Jenny rivera , but her symbol was the butterfly because of how it transforms . Dreams transform from nothing into something beautiful , the way butterflies go from caterpillars on the ground .. To beauties flying with the wind .. Like a dream right ? So why not ? Orrrr ... You can go along with the infinity sign thing and have butterflies flying away from it . Up to you ! Good luck i hope it comes out gorgeous !

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